44. Almost lost

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"We're family, I'm not going anywhere." Jin nodded to you discreetly over Namjoons shoulder and you understood what he meant and nodded back.

"You're bleeding, hyung," Jimin pointed at Jin's chest where blood was starting to ooze.

Jin undid his shirt and pulled it back to reveal a deep scratch. For red, bleeding lines from a Biter were carved into his muscular chest. It went from his left collarbone to the bottom of his peck.

"Look's like you're joining the scratched club," Hobi joked and everyone chuckled even though tears were still fresh on everyone's faces.

"At least I didn't lose my nipple," Jin joked checking it was still there which made everyone laugh harder.

"I'll wrap it up," Namjoon offered taking some supplies out of his bag after he had regained control over himself.

"Would someone be able to rewrap my neck? It came off when we went for a swim," you asked.

"I'll do it, sit down," Tae nodded taking the bandage Namjoon offered him as you slid onto the car next to Jin.

Jin's hand rested on yours and squeezed it gently. You looked at him and nodded, "Thanks for not dying oppa."

He chuckled, "Thanks for not letting me. I'm don't feel ready to leave yet."

You smiled as Namjoon finished wrapping his chest, "That'll leave a good scar."

Jin knew he couldn't complain about it. He'd almost died so coming out of it with a scratch was very lucky. Apart from stinging like a bitch, scratches didn't cause troubles.

"It just makes me more handsome, right Dongsaeng?"

"Of course," you nodded as he smiled and blew an over-exaggerated kiss to you making you all laugh. "Even more handsome with a scar."

"We should get going," Namjoon said darkly when Tae has finished bandaging your neck and shoulder.

"What about Yoongi and Jungkook?" Jimin questioned his face looking very worried.

"Let's just hope they met us at the end like we told them." Namjoon didn't sound hopeful but you knew how determined Jungkook and Yoongi were. Together they'd made it back to you. 

"What did you tell them?" Hobi asked as the group started moving again.

"Well, when you guys got washed away we were stuck. Me, Jin and Tae were at the front with more pipe to go on and Jungkook and Yoongi were trapped behind us and could only go back the way we'd come."

Everyone listened in silence, even though Jin and Tae had been there. They listened with blank looks on their faces and nodded every so often.

"I told them to go back and find another way, god I hope they made it. We went forward and kept going along the pipe until we the pipe stopped and we found another vent. We went through a long corridor for a while until we found our way out into where you guys caught up with us, we ran into infected of course."

"Not too bad then?" Jimin nodded, no one seemed to have found an easy route through this place so far.

You were praying Yoongi and Jungkook were alright. It was making you very worried that they may be trapped somewhere in the tunnel or overrun by Biters.

"Do you think they're gonna make it out?" Tae asked in a quiet voice as if he didn't want to jinx it by just saying it.

"Yeah," Jin replied confidently before Namjoon could speak. "Jungkook is hella tough and Yoongi is clever. Together I think they'll manage it."

"God, I hope you're right," Namjoon sighed looking weak and tired again.

Jin seemed to sense his emotions and wrapped an arm around his shoulders for comfort.

You looked ahead, the water was ankle height now and getting shallower the more you walked, you had to be near the end by now, you'd been going for hours.

"Has anyone tried radioing them?" You asked remembering yours was broken because of the water.

Namjoon nodded, "Yeah we tried to not long after we split up but we got no reply. We tried again just before we got ambushed and no response."

"At least you tried," you nodding looking at the ground not feeling very positive. "Ours were broken because of the water. I hope they're gonna make it."

"I guess we'll find out when we get to the end." 

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