I tap the notification and see that her account is private. I request to follow her. A moment later, she accepts and a message appears.


I type back 'hi'

'How are you?'

'I'm good how are you?'



'you don't remember me do you?'

'Should I remember you?'

'I was hoping you'd remember me. We used to be best friends.'

'MelMar as in Melanie Martinez?'

'Yep. And your Faith Wilshire. We went to school together a couple years ago.'

'Sorry. I'm not Faith Wilshire.'

I get really excited as I wait for her to respond. I check her Instagram page and see my best friends face. She's even prettier than I remember! Half of her head is dyed black and the other half is a baby blue. She responds just then.


'Who are you then?'

'Faith Bagans.'

'Previously Wilshire?'

'Hi Mel'



I laugh at her a little. When Dakota looks over I turn my phone away and type. I don't want him to see the silly messages I'm sending Melanie.

'I've missed you so so so much!!'

'I for sure thought you were gone for good. But then I saw your face on the news and all over social media about a year ago and I knew I had to contact you!! How's life going with Zak Bagans?'

'It's going good. I've had a couple ups and downs but for now, I'm on a steady high'

'I hope your not doing drugs again.'

'No Mel. I've been clean for a while. Well... I got drunk last night, but I was celebrating!'

'Celebrating what?'

'You didn't hear?'

'Hear what?'

'I just got engaged.'


*Dakota's POV*

As soon as we get into the car to drive to our location, Faith starts texting someone on her phone. I usually mind my own business when she's texting because the last time I accidentally read something Matt sent her and I have been scarred for life.

Yet, when she laughs at something she read, she doesn't show me like she usually does. I look over at her phone and see Instagram open. She's messaging someone on Instagram?

She notices my eyes on her and turns the phone in another direction.

She's cheating on me

No! No, she is not cheating on me! Maybe she's just texting a fan. She has a lot of fans that love and support her. Yeah! She's just texting a fan.

Yet the thought of her cheating on me is still in my mind. What if she is. What if she realized that she doesn't want to marry me and only said yes because she felt bad? What if she breaks up with me tonight?

I look out the window as we pull into the street. I jump out as soon as we park. I don't even bother to wait for Faye. She calls for me, but I don't answer. I need to clear my head.

What if she leaves me? Maybe she really found someone better than me and she's really gonna leave. I can't let her leave.

I start bawling like a baby at some random bus stop up the road from the house. My phone goes off suddenly. I pick up.

"Hello?" I ask

"Kota? Is everything alright? You just up and left!" Faith says.

"Yeah. I just..... never mind. I'll tell you when I get back." I say

"Are you sure?" Faith asks

"Yeah. I'm on my way now. I'll be there soon." I say.

"Okay. See ya soon." Faith says


I hang up and start walking back to the house, wiping my tears. I manage to make it back without crying again. I pull Faith aside to talk to her.

"Faith. Are you cheating on me?" I ask as she says,

"I just reunited with my best friend!"

We both look taken aback.

"Most definitely not cheating on you. I would never do that in a million years. Come on, Kota you know me." She says.

"Your right. I don't know why I thought that." I admit.

I hug her tight.

"It's okay Kota. We all have our doubts about things. Just talk to me about it next time okay? That's why I'm here." Faith says.

I smile.

"Thanks." I say.


Just a little filler chapter. And oooooooo Faith used to do drugs???!!!! There's still so much y'all don't know about her. Anywho keep reading!!!!

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