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I roll out of bed. Lately, I've had to pee more. The baby is messing with my bladder completely. I stumble to the toilet and pee.

The cold floor chills me to the bone. I wipe myself and look down at the bump as I pull up my pants.

"You're getting big. I can't wait to meet you. You're gonna have the best family in the world." I say to it as I wash my hands.

"Mommy and Daddy are gonna love you so much. I've never been happier. Although, I could do without peeing every 10 minutes." I say

I run a hand over my belly and walk back to bed. I'm supposed to be up in a couple hours so if I don't get any sleep now, I can always sleep in the car.

After two hours of trying and failing to get back to sleep, I get up. I flip on the lamp next to my bed and walk to the closet. I grab a clean hoodie and some slip on Vans. I change my hoodie and put my shoes on top of my suitcase. I take both downstairs as quietly as possible. I start making myself some breakfast. I'm craving toast with butter. We don't have any bread so I settle for a waffle. I pop it into the toaster and pull my phone out of my pocket.

I start an Instagram livestream. Three people join at first. I start talking about what I'm doing.

"Hey! Good morning! It's currently 3:30 AM. I'm making breakfast and then I'm gonna get ready to leave on a little vacation." I say to the camera

80 people have joined.

'You're so pretty!'

'I love your hoodie!'

'How is your fiancé?'

I answer the last question.

"So we haven't really announced this yet, but Dakota and I got married yesterday. We haven't gone public with it since it just happened but I am super happy. We will be having a big wedding in about a year but for now we're legally married. Don't tell anyone through!" I say

My waffles finish toasting and they pop out of the toaster. I take them out and set them on a plate.

'What are you making for breakfast?'

"I'm making waffles with butter, but I might add some peanut butter because I'm craving that." I say

I haven't told them about my pregnancy yet. They can't tell I'm pregnant either because I'm wearing a hoodie.

'You're ring is beautiful!'

"Thank you! I am in love with it." I say as I slather some peanut butter in my waffle.

I make myself some coffee as I talk to the 80 people who are watching my live stream. By the time my coffee is ready it's already 4:00.

"So I'm gonna eat this. But I want you all to ask me some questions. I'll do my best to answer them." I say as I sit at the table.

I eat and read through the questions flooding through my livestream.  I answer as many as I can. When I'm done with my breakfast, I say goodbye and shut off the live stream. I go upstairs and brush my teeth. As I spit, my stomach churns. My coffee isn't sitting well with the baby. I drop my toothbrush into the sink and whirl around to the toilet.

I heave breakfast back up. I flush multiple times. The burning acid in the back of my throat bothers me. I grab my mouth wash and gargle for a whole minute. I clean my toothbrush and brush my teeth again. I change my hoodie since the one I was wearing has reappearing breakfast on it. I put on a black hoodie and wait for 5:00 to roll around. I watch the sunrise from the bay window. I take a picture of it and post it on Instagram.

Nebulochaotic {book two} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now