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I pry my eyes open and am thankfully greeted by a dark room. My head starts to throb. I sit up and rush to the bathroom. I smack my shoulder into the door and land flat on my ass groaning.

"Babe?!" I hear Dakota call.

"Huuuhh??" I moan.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Ugggh" is all I manage

I rest my head on the floor and wait until Dakotas footsteps stop in front of me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks

"Terrible." I croak.

"I bet. You had a lot to drink." Dakota says

"Uh huh."

I'm lifted off the ground, and put on the bathroom counter.

"Toilet. Piss." I mutter.

A few minutes later I'm back in bed, curled into Dakota's side.

"My head hurts." I complain.

"I'll get you something to help with the pain." Dakota says.

"But I don't want you to get up." I say.

I look up at him and see him looking down on me.

"I'll ask Zak." He says holding me closer.

Ten minutes pass before Zak comes in with a white pill and water.

"Sorry, I just woke up." Zak says.

I take the pill and water. I down them both and lay back down before I get too cold. They have lockdown in a couple nights and I'm honestly kind of scared for them. This house is said to be full of pure evil to the point where people kill themselves to be free of it.

I say nothing though. I know Dakota would worry about me and I don't need that.

"Love, we need to get up now. We have interviews today." Dakota mumbles.

I groan.

"I want to stay here forever. Sleep is calling to me." I say

"I know but you need to come with us." Dakota says.

"Fine." I say.

Dakota helps me out of bed and into the bathroom. I shower quickly and then change into some comfy jeans, a crop top, and my boots. I add a denim jacket just for the aesthetic. I leave the smudged makeup and apply fresh mascara and fill in my brows.

"Kota!" I call

"Yeah?" Dakota says from the door.

"Come here I want a picture." I say fiddling on my phone until I open the right app.

Snapchat. Ahh the wonders you can do with a filter!

I pose on Dakotas left, so my ring is showing. It's a subtle hint drop. I snap a quick photo of us standing together with my camera covering part of my face. I show Dakota. He smiles and kisses me on the nose.

"Your so cute." He says.

I blush.

"No you." I say.

"No you." Dakota says

"Your both cute now let's go!" Jay says

I scrunch my nose at him but follow him out the door anyway. I open up Instagram and notice someone followed me. I furrow my brows.

MelMar has started following you.

(A/N: it's not Melanie Martinez despite them having the same name and style)

Nebulochaotic {book two} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now