Tea Time and Family Photos

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"Oh my dear god." Harold says

"Do you remember me?" I ask suddenly worried about the poor man

"Your the girl that was attacked by the wolf." He says opening the door all the way.

"Yeah. You told me to come visit sometime. I hope I'm not bothering you." I say

"Of course not! Come on in! Dear me, how you've grown!" Harold says

He motions for me and Dakota to come into his little house. Dakota follows my lead and mutters a quiet hello to the man. Harold offers us tea and goes rushing into the kitchen to start a pot.

"So, dear, what brings you to this part of town?" Harold asks setting a tray down on the small coffee table.

The tray has white chocolate lavender scones and finger sandwiches on it, with the pot of tea and teacups.

"I came to say thank you. Your act of kindness saved my life. You expected nothing in return but a visit. If it wasn't for you, I probably would have died in those woods by the claws of that wolf if you hadn't stepped in. You didn't ask any questions or even ask for my name. You just asked for me to visit sometime. So, thank you, for everything." I say

Harold has tears in his eyes.

"Oh dear me, thank you for coming to visit. I don't get many visitors nowadays. You two are the best." Harold says

I sip my tea as he speaks.

"I never got your name dear." Harold says.

I set my cup down.

"Faith. Faith Bagans." I say sticking my hand out for him to shake.

He leans forward in his seat and takes my small hand in both of his own, larger hands.

"A wonderful name for a wonderful girl." Harold says "and this here must be your boyfriend?"

"Dakota Laden, Sir. An honor to meet the man who saved her life." Dakota says shaking Harold's hand.

Harold smiles.

"Well... it was nothing. I'm just glad she made it out okay." Harold says

We all smile at each other. Then we just sit and talk for a while to learn more about each other's lives. I learn that Harold has kids and even a few grandkids but they never visit anymore. They all lead very good, rich lives, while Harold lives on his little farm.

"My girls, Mary and Lisa, have three kids of they're own. See here? That's Joshua, the oldest, Mikey, the middle child, and that there is little James. And Mary's kids, Adam, Jenna, and Brock." Harold says pointing to the people in the picture album on the table.

"Who's that?" I ask pointing to a man next to them.

"Oh that's Jonah. He's my youngest. I haven't heard from him in a while. But those are his kids, Amelia and Kalia. And of course his husband, David." Harold says pointing to the dark skinned girls next to two men.

The two girls standing between the men have a mass of curly hair that fluffs out around their heads. The men standing behind them have bright smiles. One is light skinned and the other dark skinned. Not as dark as the girls but not as light as the other man. I can't believe these people never visit Harold. I feel bad for him. With no one to visit him, he must get lonely out here.

"Harold, would you mind if I brought my family out here to celebrate Thanksgiving with you? So your not so lonely?" I ask.

There's a silence and then Harold nods.

Nebulochaotic {book two} (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora