Goatman's Bridge and... Parents?

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*three days later*

*Faith's POV*

I was released from the hospital two days ago. The doctor called my psychiatrist, who called a therapist, who called my pediatrician, who called Zak. Dr. Lyons called us to refer us to a list of therapists we should see and told me to take up writing in a journal or a diary and to come back in about a month to see if I need a stronger anti- depressant. When Zak hung up, I told the psychiatrists off.

"Fuck you and your stupid ass medications. I don't take them for a reason." I grumble getting up and grabbing a pudding cup from the fridge.

Zak reaches for the tray with all my pills in it.

"You need them to help you, sweetie." Zak says crushing the blue and white pills with a pestle.

I slam the pudding cup on the counter and rip the plastic lid off the top.

"Those doctors don't know shit about me." I grumble opening a drawer.

Zak dumps the powdered pills into my pudding and stirs it with a spoon I grabbed from the drawer.

"Eat up, and we are going to the store later and getting you a notebook." Zak says.

"I could literally type everything. It's not like I can't print the pages and show him."

"Your getting a notebook. Now eat your pudding."

I sigh and angrily eat my pudding. I can't taste the chalk flavored pills in the pudding, but I hate them nonetheless. I understand that they are supposed to help but I've fallen down a path I can't get out of.

After I throw away my empty pudding cup, I go upstairs to brush my teeth and change. I have plans with Dakota today and I can't be happier. Then my day is ruined when Zak busts into my bathroom as I'm pulling my hair into a braid.



Thirty-six excruciating hours later, Zak, Billy, Jay, Aaron, Dakota, Bacon, and I are all loaded into the bus and preparing for a 17 hour and 14 minute drive to Denton County, Texas.

I grumble as I set up my bed above the drivers seat. Dakota just nods along to my complaints and hands me another pillow.

"THE NERVE OF MY DAD!" I shout shoving my last pillow into place.

"I know." Dakota says climbing in.

"We had a whole day planned. Everything we had to miss out on!"



"It's okay, sweetie."

I fall back into the mound of pillows I've arranged. Dakota lays next to me and opens up my laptop. nHe starts playing a random movie and tells me to get some rest.

~~ 4 hours on the road~~~
*Faiths Diary*

Dr. Lyons,

you said i have to write in a diary to keep an eye on my mental state. i think that's bull.

i just prefer to not take them. how the hell am i supposed to get over everything if i need medication to forget?

all my life i was told to get over things. why am i being treated so differently now?

am i not used to how i'm being treated here? am i not used to the family i have now?

am i so used to being abused and mistreated that when i'm shown kindness i reject it because the feeling is new and i'm not used to it?

what if that's why i am the way i am? zak always says i'm different when i'm like this. i can be so nice and sweet when i'm with dakota but when i'm in a mood, it's like a switch flipped.

i will figure this out soon, for now, i need to get some sleep since i'm helping set up interviews. 

--- lockdown---

I sit in the hotel room with my hands pressed over my eyes. I can see the thing from my nightmare. I can see it attacking Zak and the guys. Dakota comforts me by rubbing my back. Suddenly, I'm watching my body lurch forward. I reach my hand out to stop myself from falling. 

I turn around and wait to be called back into my body. I see a woman sitting next to Dakota on the floor and stroking my hair.

"Hey!" I shout

She turns at looks at me. I recognize her face but I can't remember where. She has startling blue eyes, big full lips, and long dark hair. She stands up. I notice the flowing blue and white maternity dress. My mom had a dress like that.

My..... Oh, God. That's my mom...  

"Mom?" I say quietly.

"Faith!" She squeals "Oh! Its been so long! Look at how you've grown! Such a pretty woman! You never have time to sit and talk to me anymore! Come! I want you to meet your little brother!" 

I stare at her in shock. I must be dreaming because my mom died 8 years ago.

"My... what?" I ask

"Your little brother? Samuel? Come on silly!" Mom says

I look back at my body. A little while won't hurt. Plus, I would like to meet my.... brother. Mom grabs my arm and pulls me through a solid wall, into our old house. A little boy looks up at mom and squeals in delight. 

"Mama!" he says

A man stands up from the floor and kisses mom on the head. Mom looks at me. 

"Robert, look who's here!" Mom says.

"Faith! Oh look at you! So beautiful!" Dad says.

"Mama!" The child screeches.

"Sammy! This is your big sister! Her name is Faith! Say hello!" Mom says.

"Hewwo!" Samuel says.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Mom says

"Mom," I start

"Sweetie!" Mom calls through the cracked door

A few seconds later, Mira walks into the room.

"What the fuck." I say

"Language!" Dad says

Sammy smacks my leg gently.

"Mom. Can we talk? Outside?" I ask trying to keep calm.

"Oh! Of course!" She says

I take her into the living room, which is down the hall from Sammy's room.

"What's going on? What are we doing here?" I ask

"Oh.... You didn't know?" Mom says

"Know what?!" I whisper yell.

"You're dead."


oop...... anyways

- C

Nebulochaotic {book two} (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora