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*2 years later*

I awake from a peaceful sleep to Sydney whining at the foot of the bed. I untangle myself from my husbands arms and make my way to the bedroom door. Sydney waits for me to slowly make my way down the staircase and to the back foot to turn on the light in the backyard. I can't move as fast as she can. Not anymore. Not for the next few months.

I fumble for the light switch. This new house is complicated. I'm still getting used to it. We don't live in the gated community I'm used to. The move was a big change. The safety I felt in the area where Zak lives wasn't there. I spent nights in my old room when I couldn't sleep in the new house. Dakota understood my worry and gave me plenty of time to get used to the move. I'm glad to say I'm used to sleeping in comfort with my husband and my beautiful Sydney and our two year old pitbull rescue. He's a massive baby. An absolute chonky boy. Yet, despite everything I've heard about this breed, he's a very gentle and loving dog. He just plays around all day and when he's tired, he jumps up onto the couch or plops down on one of his many dog beds and takes a nap.

I bump into him next to the back door as I'm reaching for the doggie door lock.

"Hey, Chad. You need to go potty too?" I ask the giant chonk sitting in front of the door.

His tail thumps rapidly on the floor as he gets excited. Chad is actually a normal sized pitbull. He's very healthy and in great shape. I've just never had a dog like him before and I like to call him a chonk.

I unlock the doggie door and let both dogs out. I watch as they run around with each other before finally using the restroom. I reach over to the washing machine to grab the towel that I use to dry off Sydney's belly. She always ends up getting her fur wet in the dew. As does Chad. When they come back inside they stand as still as possible so I can dry their bellies. I have to get on my knees for this.

"This kid is really throwing a wrench in this plan huh?" I ask Sydney as I dry her belly

She wags her tail. Chad just rolls onto his back and let's his tongue hang out of his mouth. I scoot over to him and rub his belly with the towel. I see the early signs of dawn approaching. I know Dakota will be awake soon. Zak is bringing breakfast today. I take the dogs back upstairs and into the new room. I rearrange some clothes in the drawers and in the crib. I run a hand over my extremely swollen belly. After two years, Dakota and I tried again. We found it best to try and have another baby. We didn't travel this time. We only made trips to the dog park and to the doctors office. Sometimes the grocery store. Other than that, we were at home or on the road in the RV with the rest of the guys. I always made sure to take it easy when I'm on the road.

I feel a small kick. I gasp and clutch the crib. The dogs look at me quizzically.

"The baby just kicked." I say happily.

I rush to the next room and shake Dakota until he wakes up.

"The baby kicked." I say when he finally wakes up.

"What?" Dakota asks

"The baby kicked!" I say happily.

"No way." He says

His hands fly to my belly as he feels. Moments later, there's another small kick. Dakota gasps.

"Oh my god." He whispers

I smile at him. The moments I get to experience with my baby are truly special. They're all moments I didn't get the chance to experience with Ryder. It just wasn't his time. These moments however, they are ones worth remembering. Every small nudge, every ultrasound and shopping trip for diapers is special. Dakota laughs in joy as he feels a second kick.

"Oh my god. This is amazing." He says

Watching my husbands shock and joy makes me laugh. This overwhelming joy is driving me crazy. I want to run and scream and shout from the rooftops that I'm happy and proud of myself. Instead I lean in for a hug from Dakota. We embrace for a long moment while the sunrises and shines through the curtains.

We are going to be great parents. Truly great parents.

*third person POV*

As Faith said, she and Dakota truly were great parents. Four months later, Faith gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl named Elizabeth Xena Laden. She was raised to be a strong independent little toddler. She caused quite a ruckus in the household, but her parents were glad to have her in their life. Dakota and Faith finally had their big fancy wedding they always wanted. Zak finally finished his museum and assigned Faith the roll of Manager. Dakota started his own show on Travel channel. Little Lizzie Laden has amazing uncles to watch her while her mom was at work.

They all lived happily ever after. Who would've guessed that Faith would have a life like this after everything she's been through......


Authors note: I am truly thankful for everyone who read this book. I have a little surprise up my sleeve for you all. This isn't the end of the book. I have TWO alternate endings to this book which I'll be updating soon hopefully. Thank you all so much for reading. I am truly grateful for you all.

- C

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