Free At Last

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*Faiths POV*

Three months have gone by. I can't keep track of time anymore. I'm told by Phil when he comes into the room.

I look up from my spot on the floor. They don't bother roping me to the floor anymore. I'm too weak to get up. Today though, I have ropes holding me to the wall. I don't bother trying to pull them.

The young member of Phil's gang stands in front of me holding the blood stained whip. I shift my knees, bracing for an impact that should have come by now.

"I'm going to hit you with this twice and I want you to scream as loud as you can. I'm getting you out of here once and for all." He says quietly.

He cracks the whip over my head and I scream like I'm in pain. He pulls me onto my knees and whispers an apology. The whip hits my back and I choke on a sob. Once more over my head and I bite my lip. He cuts the ropes holding me in place.

Another bite on the back, a guttural scream of pain. The other rope is cut. Another crack over my head. It goes silent after my scream. He shoves my dirty ripped shirt at me. I pull it on over my head and then he's shoving me out of a door I didn't even know was there.

"Run! Go! Before they find you!" He says

"Thank you." I say.

He nods and we turn away from each other and I run as fast as I can. My heart pumps adrenaline though my veins. Suddenly, an alarm goes off. I'm hit with a couple of bullets. Something lands in front of me and I'm sprayed with a gas that burns my eyes. I keep running until I'm too far away from them. I collapse near a river. Hiding in the bushes, I shove my face into the water and frantically rub at my eyes. I manage to get all the sticky residue off my face. My eyes still burn though. I blink rapidly and keep moving.

I eventually collapse to the floor, panting hard. I lay down.

'Just going to rest my eyes' I tell myself

I close them and fall asleep in the brush.


I awake to a growl. I sit up and turn around so fast I scrape my knees. Crouching and looking around, I spot where the growl comes from.

A huge grey wolf stands before me, bearing its teeth. I slowly stand up and press myself to a tree. The wolf lunges for me and I try to fight it off. It's claws dig into my chest. Under my breasts but still on the ribcage.

I scream out. Suddenly I hear a gunshot and the wolf is hit. It whimpers and runs off into the night. I pull myself up and squint in the direction of the shot.

"Hey!" Says a deep mans voice.

I turn and run in the other direction. The mans thundering footsteps follow me as he keeps calling me.

"Hey come back! Your hurt!" He shouts.

I hit something sharp and I fall over trying to get out. I only tangle myself in the sharp wires. I whimper as I hear the man running over. He slows and stops in front of me. From what I can see, he has a big bushy beard, thick flannels covering him, and a shotgun. I try to move away but the wire tightens around my limbs. I gasp in pain.

"Hey there. Easy now. Let me help you outta here okay?" The man says kneeling down.

"No!" I croak.

"Hey now. I'm not gonna hurt you." He says

He leans the shot gun against a wooden post next to me. The pulls a pair of wire cutters from his coat pocket and sets to work on my feet.

"You got yourself in here good. My names Harold by the way. I live just a few miles away from here. This is the edge of my property. What are you doing out here?" He says.

"Run." I croak.

"Your running?" He asks.

I nod.

"Ahh. Okay. Well I'll let you get back to your running as soon as your out of this here barbed wire." Harold says.

I stay silent.

"Alright. All done. Stop by sometime? I'd like to know where you ran to." Harold says.

I sit up and stare at this hulking man in front of me.

"Remember this. Harold Johnson." He says shaking my hand.

I nod and then run off into the night. Why didn't I remember Harold? I didn't remember anything after the wolf. Suddenly I'm stumbling out onto a road.

I come to my senses before the RV hits me. I jump off the the side and scrape my arms even more than they already are.

Zak and the guys jump out of the bus and rush towards me. I get so happy I start crying. I made it! I really made it! They ask me if I need help but I can't form any words! The world goes fuzzy and suddenly I'm looking into Melanie's face.

"We're free." She says

"We're free."

I open my eyes and am greeted by blinding white lights. I'm sobbing uncontrollably. I look around and see Zak sitting beside me tears filling his eyes up.

"Zak." I croak.

He looks up.

"I'm here, Faith. I'm here." He whispers rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"Zak!" I say crying harder

Weakly, I shove myself into his arms and hug him. He gasps and hugs me back.

"Faith?" He cries.

"Zak!" I say

"Oh my god, Faith!" I hear someone yell from my left.

I turn and see Dakota standing at the door to the room. I reach out for him and he takes my hand. He joins the hug and sobs with Zak and I. The others join us too. When Zak pulls apart from our hug, he grips my shoulders.

"Faith?" He asks

"Yeah?" I say

"Is it really you?"


"Oh my god!"

His arms are around me again and he's crying uncontrollably. I understand why he's crying. I'm crying too.

"Excuse me." Says a man from the doorway.

I look at him. He's a doctor. I pull away from Zak.

"Dr. Lyons! Look she's awake!" Zak says.

"I see! It's amazing! Hello Miss Bagans. I am Dr. Lyons. I have been helping you and your family through this very hard time. I am so glad you finally made it out of whatever you were going through." He says.

After explaining everything, Dr. Lyons leaves and lets us have a moment together. I sit and listen to the guys explain their sides of the story. We laugh and cry and kiss and hug. Dakota takes my hand and squeezes it several times.

I can't believe I'm finally free of my own mind.

Nebulochaotic {book two} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now