Broken Mind

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I awake in my childhood home out in Oregon. I shoot up from my position and frantically look for Dakota.

I jump out of my bed and run to the mirror on the closet door. I see my ten year old self staring back at me. I look down at my body. I only see my 17 year old body. My aunt comes in.

"Good your awake. Clean up the play room." She snaps.

I nod, not wanting to get a beating today and head downstairs to clean the play room. After the play room is finished, I sit down at the table and eat the breakfast that's been set out for me.

Breakfast consists of burnt toast, overcooked eggs, and a sliver of bacon. I hurry up and eat the tasteless food set before me. Then I run upstairs to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth.

As soon as I open the bathroom door and step through, my brain sends signals throughout itself and suddenly I'm 14. I blink a couple of times as I sit up in my desk at school. I see my old friend poking me in the head.

"Good your awake. Come one we're gonna be late to lunch." She says.

"Who are you?" I ask

"It's me, silly." She says.

Her hair has been curled and bleached a pretty shade of blonde. The ends are this light pink colour. She's wearing a light pink outfit that looks really cute if it wasn't pink.

"For real, Faith stop messing around." She says

I cock my head to the side as I stand up. I notice my bag is already packed and slung over my shoulder.

"It's me! Melanie?" She says.

"Melanie..." I say.

"You are really going on with this aren't you. Yes I am Melanie and I am your best friend. We've known each other since forever and the day your parents died was the day I invited you over for a play date." Melanie states dragging me out of the class.

I follow her. I recognize the old brick walls of my old school. The lockers that line the walls stare at me like I should know them. The weirdest part of this dream or whatever, is that all the lockers are open and screams are echoing out of them. This is probably just a side effect of all the medication I'm taking.

No it's not. You know it's not a side effect. It's because you haven't been taking them like you said you would.

"Do you hear that?" I say pulling Melanie towards one.

"What?" She asks

"That!" I say as another round of screaming emits from the locker.

"Oh! The screams. Yes, well you aren't there yet. Don't worry. You'll get there soon." Melanie says

I turn to her in shock and the second my eyes land on her it's like something changed. Her eyes are black and her lashes are coated in what looks like blood. Her hair turned black but the ends are still pink. I stumble backwards and let out a strangled cry.

I blink and it's all gone. Melanie is crouching beside me and holding my arm tight.

"Stop making a scene. Everyone is staring. You'll just speed up your time here." She hisses.

"Who? What?" I ask.

She looks up into the empty hall.

"Them." She whispers.

She drags me away into the cafeteria. We stand in line for pizza and I notice all the people. I reach up to my waist to pull on my hair only to realize that I didn't have long hair. It barely passed my shoulders. I lift the lock of hair and see the short strands of hair in between my finger and thumb.

Nebulochaotic {book two} (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora