Chapter 9 - What Has To Be Done

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"You!" a voice screeched, and before he knew it someone had a vice-like grip on the front of his cheerios uniform and had slammed him into a locker.

Hunter wasn't the type of guy to get pushed around. Feared? Yes. Pushed into lockers? No.

He barely had a second to register who it was before a finger was pointing accusatorially in his face and the screaming commenced. "Do you think this is all some kind of joke to you?!"

"Morning, coach." He said, trying to sound timid, but truth be told he knew exactly what this was about.

"I don't just cast my cheerleaders for them to go off and join the glee club! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

At perfect timing, (probably due to coach's planning), Mr Schue rounded the corner with principal Figgins by his side.

"What the..." Mr Schue said as his eyes adjusted to the scene in front of him, but the principal had beaten him to a full-sentence response.

"Sue put that pupil down or so help me! The school cannot afford another lawsuit!"

"Well well well... if it isn't the student-stealing son of a bitch. Is it too much to ask to have my star cheerleader without him being stolen from me?" Coach responded, not letting go of Hunter's shirt. His feet were almost off the ground.

"What on earth are you going on about Sue?" Mr Schue said.

Boy was he slow to understanding things, Hunter thought to himself but resisted the urge to roll his eyes and instead kept the terrified expression that was clearly fooling everyone.

"I mean, Will," Coach replied, dropping her grip of Hunter, who hadn't been expecting it and fell into a pile on the floor, crashing into the lockers. "That how come all of my best cheerleaders are always defecting. Oh, I know how: it's because you are always recruiting them for your little glee club."

"Oh," Mr Schue said, seemingly unsurprised. "You're upset that another Cheerio wanted to join glee club. That doesn't give you the right to physically attack your students-"

"I wasn't attacking him. How dare you accuse me of such thing."

"You were hoising him off the ground by the front of his t-shirt."

Coach's response came all too quickly. "No, I wasn't. Was I Clarpington?"

Hunter's eyes widened in fear. "N... no, coach."

A smug look took over Sue's face. "See? I wasn't attacking a student." She shrugged. "I was merely checking where my cheerleader's loyalties lie. As for you, Schuester, how dare you."

"How dare I what?" Mr Schue responded with a tired look on his face,  and from what Hunter could tell, this was the thousandth time that this argument had happened.  "Glee club is fun, they don't get shouted at, they get to have a laugh and perform. No one is forcing anyone into glee, Hunter joined because he wanted to. And kids are allowed more than one extracurricular activity in case you had forgotten."

"My kids are four times national championship winners compared to your measly little one win. And the only let downs on the team who do more than one school club is those in the little lost directions. So tell me Schuester, are you really that jealous of my Cheerios that you have to keep stealing them for your own little show choir dreams? Because if I lose one more Cheerio to glee club... I. Will. End. You."

She spat the last few words out so quietly, but the venom was clear in her voice. What happened next wasn't intentional, Hunter knew that it wasn't, or Coach would've made a bigger deal about doing it. It was just the position he fell in had him sprawled out across the bottom of the lockers, and with coach glaring at Mr Schue and Principal Figgins, she didn't see him.

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