Chapter 1 - McKinley High Welcomes You

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This is a glee AU, therefore somethings are slightly different to the show. Rachel, Finn, Kurt, Santana, Mercedes, Puck, Quinn, & Mike are all in their senior year, Blaine, Sam, Brittany, Tina, Artie, etc... are in their junior year. The cheating scandal with the Warblers happened the previous year, and all glee club members were involved in those performances (even though in the show some had graduated by then). There may be a couple of other things that are different, but they should be explained enough. Feel free to point out grammatical errors/ give constructive criticism. Sorry for the long AN. Enjoy!


"Your class schedule and map of the school are here, and McKinley High welcomes you!" Principle Figgins said with slightly too much enthusiasm, as Hunter tried not to roll his eyes.

He thanked his new Principle before he stood up and walked out of the head's office. The first bell had long since rang, so the corridor was practically empty. The school had offered to get someone to help guide Hunter around on his first day, but he'd declined; the last thing he wanted  was some nosy busybody trying to ask questions and get answers out of him. Besides, did they really think he was stupid enough not to be able to read a map?

Then again, seeing some of 'McKinley's finest' lead him to believe that most of the students here weren't even the least bit competent in navigation skills.

Looking at his schedule, he saw that he had English first, in a classroom across the other side of the school. What was the point in going when by the time he'd get there the lesson would be half over? And Hunter would rather not have to walk into a class late and introduce himself as the new kid. Especially if there were glee club kids in that class; he'd rather them hear rumours around the corridors that their worst nightmare had come to McKinley. That would be far superior to a pathetic 'Hi, my name is Hunter and I'm new.'

Besides, he could totally get away with skipping first period. All he'd have to do was say was he got lost and couldn't find anyone to ask to help him. Teachers were a sucker for the story of new kids not knowing their way around. They always were, and always had been.

He stopped and studied his schedule. There was another 25 minutes before second period, which was Spanish, with Mr W. Schuester. Perfect.

He wandered around a few of the corridors, memorising classrooms so that he wouldn't have to carry the map around with him for the rest of the day, advertising that he was the new kid. He located the choir room and the gymnasium, which would help him later with his plans. Slightly closer to the entrance of the school was a large notice board with notices and sign up sheets for extracurricular clubs. It was tempting to write his name down on the audition sheet for the 'New Directions' (more like 'lame directions' if you asked him), but he resisted the urge and instead found the sheet of paper he'd been hoping for.

Cheerios Open Auditions - Sign Up Sheet

Monday, 4:00 pm, in the gym.

A couple of other people had written their names down, so he added his name to the bottom of the list, in bold lettering:

Hunter Clarington.

This was only the beginning. After all, he still had to audition and actually make it onto the stupid cheer team first before his plan could actually start, and believe him when he said it wasn't going to be easy.

"Yeah, no, I agree completely." A voice suddenly said, and he turned to see a girl walking around the corner of the corridor towards him. "Yeah, that's ridiculous," she said again into the phone, and it didn't take Hunter any time whatsoever to recognise that she was one of the glee club members. She hadn't noticed him yet, but it was only a matter of time. She carried on with her phone conversation "I don't see why..." She looked up and her eyes caught sight of Hunter.

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