Chapter 12 - Who's Not Coming To Sectionals?

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"I... It's true what Kurt said, I'm gay. I'm just not confident to be out yet, I was talking to Kurt and Blaine about how to be more accepting of myself and thought it'd be good to ask your opinions too, Kurt said that you and Britney... I didn't mean to insult or offend you."

The crackled voice that came through the voice recorder was unmistakably Hunter, but it wasn't as incriminating as the pair huddled together in the empty choir room listening to it had hoped.

"It's true," Blaine sighed. "He did speak to us about it. It seems like he never stops talking to Kurt about it."

Santana pursed her lips, trying not to scowl. She wasn't used to things not going according to her plans, and there were only two reasons why it hadn't succeeded: either she had had the incredible misfortune of misjudging the consequences of cornering Hunter immediately after Coach Sylvester had just given a no-fighting warning, or Hunter had been ready for the backlash. "There has to be something else we can do."

"Well, we can't get him to admit it, and you heard Quinn, you don't have any witnesses. I don't think there's anything we can do." Blaine sighed, running a hand through his hair. He still believed Santana even though Hunter's story made sense, he knew that something was up with Hunter and he wasn't going to let him get round to hurting either him or Kurt.

It wasn't that Blaine was jealous, he knew his boyfriend loved him more than anything (ok, so maybe not Vouge magazines, but it was very close), but there were things that made him falter. Like when he didn't tell him that Hunter had kissed him, or the constant text messages that Kurt received after school, or the way that Kurt sat next to Hunter instead of him in every glee club rehearsal.

"Are you out of your mind!?" The two of them looked up to see a seething Kurt storm into the room.

"Kurt!" Blaine said cheerfully, hoping to defuse some of the tension, but there was no stopping Kurt's wrath.

"Are you kidding me Santana!" Kurt yelled, his accusatory finger inches from her face. "How dare you!?"

"How dare I what?" Santana replied back uninterestedly. Had it been anyone else they would've been shaking in their boots from fear of Kurt's anger, but Santana wasn't afraid of anyone.

"How dare you corner Hunter last night after Cheerios practise! Do you realise what you've done? Hunter came up to me this morning telling me that he is terrified that he's going to end up in the hospital again, because of YOU!"

"I didn't corner him," Santana said cooly, but Blaine wasn't as good at keeping composed in times of conflict, and all it took was a brief second of his eyes flitting to the voice recorder sat in between them that brought it to Kurt's attention.

"And you recorded him too?!" Blaine had never seen Kurt so red with anger, and he was starting to become afraid himself. Kurt snatched up the recorder and pressed play, but he only needed to hear a couple of seconds of Hunter's apology before he was yelling again. "You're unbelievable! Completely despicable! What were you hoping to do? Scare him into a false confession? Or were you wanting to manipulate this into what you want everyone else to believe? Huh?!"

Santana barely faltered. "You know, he's got you so whipped," She said with a small amused smile. "You're wrapped around his little finger and you don't even realise it!" Her words grabbed Blaine's attention, who looked to his boyfriend with a pleading glance.

Kurt wasn't paying any attention to Blaine. "I am NOT wrapped around anybody's finger!" Kurt all but yelled, before his voice dropped down to barely more than a whisper. "I simply stand up for the people who can't stand up for themselves against bullies like you, because that's what you are Santana."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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Foiling In Love - Hunter Clarington Glee AUWhere stories live. Discover now