Chapter 5 - You... You Don't Know?

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Although he really didn't want to, Hunter felt bad for kissing Kurt. Kurt had a boyfriend who was already mistrusting of Hunter, and although Kurt's lips tasted of coffee and breath mints, Hunter knew he probably shouldn't have done it.

But he didn't regret it.

And he knew what he had to do next.

It took him a while to hunt him down. Blaine Anderson was such a social person, that whenever Hunter saw him, he was always with someone else. Be it Kurt or one of the other glee club members, Blaine was never alone.

Three days it took Hunter until he finally managed to find Blaine alone as he came out of his maths class. He followed him down the corridor, and only managed to catch up with him when Blaine stopped at his locker.

Hunter stood awkwardly beside Blaine's locker before clearing his throat. Blaine did a double take when he saw Hunter standing there.

"What do you want?" Blaine snapped in an irritated tone. "And before you ask, no I'm not going to go back to the Warblers at Dalton. I'm staying at McKinley."

"Um... that's great?" Hunter said awkwardly. "But that's not what I came over here to talk about." Hunter took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Blaine. I am really, really sorry."

Blaine looked taken aback for a couple of seconds. "Black mailing me into going back to Dalton? Yeah, not cool. I really didn't appreciate it."

Hunter shook his head. "Not for that. Well, I am sorry for that, just... I was trying to apologise for something else."

Crossing his arms and leaning up against his locker, Blaine's brow furrowed in confusion. "And that something else is...?"

"I didn't mean for any of it to happen." Hunter began, wringing his hands in nervousness. "It was totally uncool and just plain wrong of me to be watching you and Kurt at his locker the other day, and then a couple of weeks ago too. I wasn't doing it intentionally, and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything, it wasn't my intention." Blaine didn't look too believing of Hunter's apology, but Hunter wasn't finished with his attempt to make amends. "And I'm really sorry about the other day too, with Kurt and me. I... I didn't mean it, and I was just so overcome by emotions that... I wasn't thinking straight, and  don't know what went through my mind, but I shouldn't have done it and I'm so sorry."

Confusion spread across Blaine's face, and it was clear that he hadn't got a clue what Hunter was on about. "What do you mean?" He asked. "What happened a couple of days ago?"

Hunter's eyes widened in surprise. "You... you don't know?"

"I don't know what?" Blaine was getting more and more irritated as the seconds went by and Hunter wasn't telling him anything.

Hunter's heart started beating faster. This was either going to be great, or a disaster. "You mean, Kurt didn't tell you?"

Blaine was about to snap, and Hunter could see that clearly. "What didn't Kurt tell me?"

For a split second, Hunter was hesitant if he should do this, but he knew what he had to do. He took a deep breath and paused before dropping the bombshell.

"I kissed Kurt."


Nothing but silence for a solid ten seconds before Blaine reacted. "What?" his words were quiet and calm, but Hunter knew that there was an unfathomable rage hidden behind them somewhere.

"I didn't mean to," Hunter tried to argue. "I just broke down and Kurt was there to help me through it and my brain was so messed up on emotions  that I... I ended up kissing Kurt."

Foiling In Love - Hunter Clarington Glee AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat