Chapter 3 - You Have To Admit That Was Weird

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Hunter simply adored all of the new attention his Cheerio uniform got him. The stares in the hallways from all of the girls simply boosted his ego, but it was unfortunate when they approached him.

He was getting his books out of his locker when another one of these girls had built up the courage to talk to him.

"Hi," she said nervously, but Hunter barely spared her a side glance.

"Can I help you?" He asked, trying to find his physics book. He knew he'd put it in there somewhere.

"I'm Casey," she said, and Hunter knew that the pause was for him to tell her his name, but he was too busy focusing on how his physics book had defied all of the laws written inside of it, and had disappeared into thin air. "And, you are...?" The girl asked, trying to encourage him to talk.

"Looking for my physics book." He replied, and tried not to laugh at the girl's dumbstruck expression. "Sorry, I'm Hunter."

"Hunter, wow, you have a hot name. Um! I mean... cool! You have a cool name! I like your name. A lot. I'm sorry, I'm rambling, I know. I'll try to shut up now, but I'm nervous and I usually ramble when I'm nervous. So-"

Hunter tried hiding his exasperated expression. "Look, I'm sorry but I have science across the other side of the school, is there something you wanted to ask or did you just want to say hi?"

The girl looked slightly frightened, but Hunter couldn't be bothered to feel sorry for her. "Um, well, I was just wondering if... if, um, if maybe you'd like to hang out sometime? I mean, I know you're fairly new to town, and I know a couple of places that I could show you? There's this great coffee shop just-"

"I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to say no." Hunter said, finally finding and locking eyes with the now heartbroken girl. "I can't, I have extra practice for the Cheerios, since I'm the newest on the team I have to learn all of the routines, and then I have homework that I have to do to catch up to everyone else, and on top of that I've started Spanish in senior year despite never having spoken a word of it before, so I'm extremely behind. But thanks for the offer."

The girl nodded quickly and walked away, which Hunter was grateful for. He was not in the mood to deal with waterworks.

Checking the time he saw that he still had a few minutes before he had to make his way over to his science class. He looked down the corridor and noticed that the guy he sat next to in Spanish was getting books out of his locker, only a small distance away from Hunter's. His boyfriend (and ex-warbler, as Hunter knew him) was talking to him and trying to distract him from what he was doing.

Hunter had planned on making his way over to his science class slowly, but he stayed where he was, hiding slightly behind his locker.

"I'm still not sure what's up with that Hunter guy," Blaine said to Kurt, his face scrunched up in a concerned frown. Hunter's ears picked up slightly after hearing his own name, and he strained to hear the rest of the conversation over the dim chatter of the hallway. "He's up to something, he has to be."

"You don't know that Blaine." Kurt replied with an exasperated sigh.

"Kurt, he stole our nationals trophy and threatened me to drop out of The New Directions. And then, after we expose all of the cheating work that he did, he suddenly shows up at McKinley. Isn't that just a little bit suspicious?"

"Well it's not exactly like he could've stayed at Dalton, is it?" Said Kurt, who was having some struggle finding a book in his locker and was trying to balance the entire contents of his locker in one arm whilst still looking for it, but Blaine seemed not to care.

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