Useful information!

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   Heyoooo it's author-nim in the house

I decided to make this little A/N to clarify some things about the story setting that a lot of you have been asking me about in my DMs and sometimes in comments. Please take the time to read this, it might make a lot of things clearer and easier to visualize for you as you read this fanfiction!

First, the main characters' ages.

As you probably noticed, the fanfiction doesn't take place in 2019, BTS aren't the same age as they are now, so here are some clarifications

At this point of the storyline, the "present" (aka what happens in the prison, not in the flashbacks) happens in the middle of the summer

Jungkook is 24,

Taehyung and Jimin are 26,

/!\ Hoseok is 28, Namjoon is older and is 33,

Yoongi is 36,

Seokjin is 38.

I changed their age and age gaps in order to make the story coherent and avoid plot holes. You'll understand as you get more background stories...

As for secondary characters, such as Donghyuk (18) and Junghyun (mid 40's), don't have ages that are very relevant to the storyline, so I might forget to age them up as the story goes on lol sorry in advance about that.

Now we can talk about the inmates' schedules, this is approximately how I picture the days in prison to go when there are no unexpected incidents:

6-8 | Breakfast
8-10 | Mandatory educational programs
10-12 | Yard time/Facultative Educational programs
12-14 | Lunch
14-16 | Yard time
16-18 | Activities/Yard time
18-20 | Dinner
20-22 | Free time inside blocks
22 | Curfew, lights out & lockdown on all blocks

N.B.: Not all prisoners have access to all six hours of yard time — only those with maximum privilege (earned with mandatory ed attendance, good behavior, helping with prison chores, etc... and depending on your crime and length of sentence) have access to the yard six hours a day if they don't participate in activities or additional educational programs. For example, Donghyuk has perfect attendance and a spotless record, as well as a relatively light crime. He has access to the yard six hours a day.
Inmates with special needs — for instance, seniors or inmates with handicaps — also get more yard time unless they behave badly.
Now that's how things are supposed to be, but let's not forget that some inmates also use coercion to scare or bribe correctional officers into granting them access to the yard...

You might also have wondered about the number of inmates. As said in the first chapter, the prison has 26 blocks with 6 cells each and two prisoners per cell. That makes a maximum capacity of 312 prisoners. But that's only the general population, aka the prisoners who live in the main building.

There is also a psych ward, an area in the prison where inmates with heavy psychological problems are isolated from other inmates, either for the other prisoners' safety or for their own. We haven't explored that part of the prison yet...

Let's not forget about solitary confinement and protective custody, which you have already heard about. They don't add to the total number of prisoners, though, since prisoners who are in solitary or in protection have usually lived in the main building at some point, or might be reintegrated into gen pop, so one occupied bed in one of those two buildings means there's a vacant one in the main building.

In conclusion, I imagined that there would be roughly 400-450 inmates in total in the prison.

Let's move on to the prison employees,

Aside from the counselors and COs, there are a few other employees at the prison. They hire people instead of forcing the inmates to work — therefore giving the inmates more time to focus on their personal growth and education as well as their important roles on the outside.
However, any help provided by an inmate is written into their record and taken into consideration for any administrative procedure (transfers, requests, parole, early release, and even the length of their stay in solitary after bad behavior might be shortened if their record shows implication and dedication). They can help the cooks in the kitchen if they're part of culinary activities, help the janitors, plumbers, mechanics, or assist teachers as tutors for other inmates, etc...

Since the prison funds partially come from taxes from the rich, influential people who choose to be there, they can afford to hire a lot more employees than a regular prison.

A reminder that people at that prison weren't forced to be in a special prison, they chose to be so that they would have privileges. They contribute by maintaining their roles as important people in society and paying taxes to cover the prison's additional expenses such as cooks, janitors, qualified teachers, material for the activities, gym machines, higher quality ingredients, etc...

In some rare cases, people of the upper class actually choose to go to regular prisons, which usually results in them losing their high ranks or their businesses going bankrupt because they can't manage them anymore, which explains why so many of them choose to go to the special prison.

Please keep in mind that this is a fictional AU, and that as much as I try to make it look close to reality, I'm not perfect and I might have left a lot of loopholes and inaccuracies in my story. This prison does not exist anywhere other than in this fictional universe, so even though I'm doing my best to keep it realistic, I don't know nearly enough about South Korean prisons despite all the research I've done.

But I worked hard. Please be kind to my drained little mind!

If there's anything else you'd like to know about this AU, feel free to ask here

I'll reply to anything as long as I don't think it might spoil too much about the story !

Thank you for reading up to this point, see you at the next update ~

Author-nim, out
Now I'll let you enjoy this breathtakingly hot Jungkook edit

Author-nim, out Now I'll let you enjoy this breathtakingly hot Jungkook edit

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