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     It's almost curfew.

The prison yard is devoid of any individuals, save for the nightshift guards taking turns in patrolling the area every fifteen minutes.

In the blocks, officers are finishing up controlling that all prisoners are in their cells before the blocks are put on lockdown for the night until breakfast starts at 6 am.

"Block J clear! Lockdown on block J!" An officer shouts as he exits the block.

From his cell, Taehyung can see barred doors slide shut, restricting the movements of the prisoners to the surface of their block and the cells inside.
He sighs, already missing his nights out partying, that will now be replaced by a boring 10 pm curfew and the only view being the inside of his cell. He sits on the sink, lighter in hand, while Jungkook stares at him from beside the window.

Once the guards are done locking down all the blocks, they all exit the main hall and all the lights shut off, the only source of brightness in the cell being the flame of Taehyung's lighter and the rays of the moon filtering through the barred window.

"I don't get why they provide us with lighters. They can be a dangerous weapon, too." Taehyung says, admiring the beautiful flame flickering in the dark.

"There's a fire sprinkler system that discharges water inside the cell whenever the temperature goes over a predetermined limit. So basically, you burn anything that's not a cigarette, the cell goes on lockdown so you can't run away, and you take a freezing cold shower against your will. Then if you're proved to be responsible for the fire, they will pay for the damage from the money you've got stocked in commissary, and you won't have the right to possess a lighter for the rest of your sentence." Jungkook explains.

Taehyung hums understandingly and puts his lighter down. He jumps off the lavatory and strips himself off his clothes, feeling a stare burning into his back. Left in only his underwear, he turns around to face a similarly dressed - well, undressed - Jungkook, eyes roaming down his tan skin and long hair. Taehyung pulls a large shirt out of his suitcase and puts it on, the ridiculously big shirt reaching his mid-thigh, which makes Jungkook chuckle slightly.

"It's past curfew. Aren't you supposed to kill me now? Or will you do it in my sleep?" Taehyung mocks him, hardly seeing the smile on the dark-haired man's lips in the darkness of the cell.

"Shut the fuck up." Jungkook retorts harshly, though his smile doesn't drop from his face at all.

Taehyung quirks up an eyebrow in amusement, loving how easy it is to rile him up. He eyes the double bunk beds, and something pops into his mind.

"Top or bottom?" Taehyung blurts out.

He can't see how Jungkook's eyes widen, how his breath gets caught up in his throat, how his entire body stiffens and his mind goes blank, but Taehyung knows it's happening. He knows, and he has to bite his lower lip to stop himself from laughing.

"The beds, I mean. Which one do you want to sleep in?"

"Ah, that..." Jungkook sighs, though he isn't convinced because he can clearly see Taehyung's face thanks to the moonlight, and he definitely doesn't miss the way he's trying hard to not laugh. "Whatever. I don't care. You?"

"Both." Taehyung says and he hears Jungkook's breathe in sharply. "I bet either would make me feel really good."

"Are we still talking about the beds?"

"No." Taehyung chuckles.

"I'm pretty sure I made it clear that I don't like you, Gucci boy. If I were you I'd go to sleep calmly and pray to wake up tomorrow."

PRISONERS [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now