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Judge Kim's office reeks of alcohol. The respectable man is sitting with his head bowed, back hunched forward and his forehead placed in his shaky hands as he leans on his wooden desk for support. His usually clean, shaved face is covered in a four day old beard, and the remnants of gray hair he has on his head are greasy and stink, as he hasn't showered in days.

Taehyung scrunches up his nose at the pathetic sight of his father, as he stands at the entryway with his black suitcase in hand. Unlike his father's, his eyes aren't puffy or red from crying, his breath doesn't reek of alcohol and he took a shower just this morning, styled his hair, and even put on some makeup to cover up the bags under his eyes, not from being unable to sleep, but from spending the night doing research.

You'd think his father is the one going to prison, not him.

He runs a hand through his hair, realizing he forgot to trim it. He traps a strand of it between his fingers, staring at how long it got, enough to cover his eyes when he doesn't style it.

"Taehyung." A raspy, drowsy voice says, pulling him out of his contemplation.

The boy lets go of his hair to stare into his father's swollen eyes, and if it weren't for the fact he respects his father more than anyone on the face of the earth, he would've laughed at his pitiful state.

"Yes, dad?" He replies with a slight smile.

"I made sure to keep this shit off the news. None of the prisoners there know who you are. Make sure it stays that way until I get you out of that shithole."

Taehyung smirks. Even drunk and depressed, his father never fails to impress him.

"I need to get going."

Taehyung grabs his suitcase and bows down respectfully before facing away from his father and exiting the office. He slowly makes his way out of their luxurious house, looking at the glimmering chandelier he used to fear as a child because he thought it'd crush him someday. He stands there, for a few seconds under the chandelier, blankly staring at it, before he directs his gaze back to the door before him.

He swings it open and steps out of the house. Fresh air invades his lungs, and he inhales deeply, completely ignoring the police truck in front of his house and the officers urging him to hurry up and climb in.

A smile still taunting his lips, Taehyung shoves his suitcase inside the trunk before climbing inside the car, sitting in the wide backseat accompanied by two other men: an old man with gold and diamond rings on each one of his greasy fat fingers, and a thin man in his forties with a long face wet with snot and tears. Despite his messy appearance, he is dressed in an elegant black suit, one that makes Taehyung arch his brow as he recognizes the Gucci brand logo on his belt buckle. The information he read about the prison really wasn't a joke, it wasn't some sort of fantasy place invented by the government.

Taehyung is truly going to a prison filled only with the most influent people of the country.

He recalls all the information he read. The prison is set in the countryside of Daegu, built over an old isolated land a farmer gladly sold for a shitload of money because the soil didn't give him that much of a satisfying result anymore anyways.

It's another innovation from the government in the name of "justice", to "put an end to the growing monster that was corruption". A prison designed only for the ones who hold power: the CEOs, the officials, the politicians, as well as the heirs to their fortune. Should any of them try to corrupt anyone involved with the law, the latter would only have to report the attempt with solid proof to receive double the sum, subtracted from said influent person's fortune. That, and the corrupter would still serve their full sentence at the prison.

PRISONERS [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now