스물 다섯

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Present day, Daegu prison

  The tension around them is unbearable.
Jimin can feel it and he's certain Yoongi can, too. He's nervously clearing his throat every few minutes and it's infuriating for the both of them.

Jimin knows why they're like this. It's all because of what happened — or rather what didn't happen — that day in the storage room after Yoongi played piano. It's clear that they both wanted it, although Jimin still tries to burn down that thought despite knowing that it keeps rising back from its ashes. He does his best to look the inmate in the eyes, it's what he does with every prisoner. He looks them in the eyes because they're people, he tries to overlook their crimes and whatever sick thoughts they might have, as he finds it dehumanizing to avoid meeting their stares.

Eyes are the windows of the soul. All avoiding a man's eyes does is make him feel soulless.

"So, how are you today?" Jimin forces a smile.

"Good. Did you ask for me?"

"Yes, actually," the therapist declares before opening one of his desk drawers and pulling out a few files he purposely left at the top of the pile. "Your, um... sister sent another visitation form. She'd like to come next Sunday."

Yoongi straightens up his posture and runs his fingers through his now blonde hair, its mint green color having completely faded. Dark brown roots appear atop his forehead when his hand pushes back the fringe from his face. He sighs, annoyed, tired of having to explain himself for the millionth time.

"Look, I appreciate your concern, Doctor Park, but I've been in this prison for eight years, had countless counselors, and I never accepted to sign the fucking form. Showing it to me every time she sends one isn't going to change my mind."

"I don't show it to you every time, Min. This is the tenth form she's sent in just this month and I denied every other one. I'm showing you this to ask you a question," Jimin pauses, staring at Yoongi. "She hasn't stopped coming to the prison every single weekend only to be refused by security. I know you told me not to ask, but... you had such a great relationship with her, I was told that when you first came to the prison you never missed a visitation day with her. Why did you just... suddenly stop?"

Yoongi nervously nibbles on his lower lip. He seems distressed.

"Don't feel pressured to reply if you'd rather not. Take your time," Jimin feels the need to add.

Yoongi straightens up, staring right into Jimin's eyes as he speaks dryly. "I just want her to forget I ever existed."

There's a moment of silence as they stare at each other wordlessly. Yoongi hates the hint of sadness that transpires out of Jimin's expression, the way he can see his heart hurt for him. He always sees those feelings and waits for the day he voices them out. But he never does.

The counselor looks down, exhaling softly as he crosses his arms on the desk, scooting closer.

"I understand. I didn't want to tell you this but all the mail she's been sending can be considered harassment. Which is why it's my job to offer you this option, but I'll let you know I don't agree with this. You can permanently block a person, if you choose to do so I can put you in touch with a lawyer who will get that done for you. If you go through with it, she will be forbidden from visiting, sending mail, calling, and any other kind of contact with—"

"I'll do it," Yoongi interrupts him.

"Min, I really think you should take some time to—"

"I'll do it."

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