스물 셋

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Did we really reach 100k? Is this even real?
oh my god

I can't believe how much this story has grown, and I'm so glad that my hard work paid off. I love you guys so much, your support means the world to me

I always read every single comment I get on this story and every time I'm overwhelmed by all the love, and by all the feelings you share with me. After all, my goal as an author isn't really to write the most beautiful, poetic paragraphs, it's to make you feel something.
So to see you guys' reactions to some of my work means everything. Thank you so much for a 100k, I'll do my best to keep giving you the content you look for when you read my fanfiction, I'll try hard to make you feel just as many emotions as I have so far, I hope I'll be able to finish this fanfiction and be proud of the results.

I'm not sure how I'll end it yet, we're still far from the finale, I'd say we're only halfway through, and if you've read the previous chapter, I'm certain you know that all hell breaks loose from this point on...

And I hope you're fucking ready.


Junghyun exits the court room with a smile on his face.

Not because he won the trial. It's been a while since he hasn't felt the pride of winning in court. The thrill of it only persisted when he used to do the impossible and proved innocent people who were guilty. It was horrible, but it made him feel divine, invincible.

Now the smile on his face is bittersweet, because he can't fucking believe that his brother, whom he tried to raise as a smart man, actually got himself into a mess this big.

He has to get him out of it. He has to.

"Minho." Junghyun abruptly stops walking. "I need to use the bathroom. Wait for me here. Don't go out yet, there are journalists everywhere outside and I need to be there to make sure they don't distort whatever you tell them."

"Okay. Thank you again," Minho replies and goes to sit on one of the benches next to the court room.

"It's my job."

Junghyun leaves promptly, walking in the opposite direction towards the bathroom to not arise any suspicions. There's no way he'll make that call in a bathroom stall, though, it's far too dangerous. So he finds a secluded place where two hallways intersect, so that if anyone were to come towards him, he'd see them way before they reached a short enough distance to hear what he's saying.

He dials a number he knows by heart and waits for the call to be picked up. It doesn't take long.

"Hyung? Be quick, activities start in a couple minutes."

"I know who your cell mate is."

There's silence for a few seconds. Junghyun can perfectly picture Jungkook's face, with his eyes open wide and his eyebrows furrowed. He knows him so well.

"...Who is he?"

He knows him well enough to know his brother is a petty piece of shit. If he tells him, Jungkook will probably end that guy. He will destroy him.

Junghyun doesn't want to have Judge Kim's grief on his conscience. That man was like a second father to him, he taught him everything he knows. Jungkook doesn't have the same bond with him, because he was way younger than Junghyun, so he doesn't really remember the times he spent on the judge's side. He probably doesn't even remember his face, since they left after their father died and Jungkook was still a child at the time. That's probably also why he's spent so long in the same cell as Taehyung without recognizing him, while his face immediately sparked a feeling of déjà vu for Junghyun the second he set foot into that courtroom. Choi Minho's information was what helped him link everything together and understand the current situation.

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