스물 하나

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anddddd yet another super late update I'm sorry my exams were on the 18th and this chapter took me weeks to prepare

I bet you've been dying for some goddamn backstory huh


They started small.

Really small.

Placing a piece of paper full of false information. Manipulating witnesses perfectly. Finding the right words to have the judges' heads spinning.

Then they started wanting more. Craving more.

So it escalated.

Stealing, hacking information. Making witnesses disappear. Tampering with crime scenes.


Seoul, five years earlier...

Junghyun suddenly straightens up from where he was bent over the dozens of files on his desk, startled by the sound of the door being promptly pushed open and feet stomping into the room. Once his jumpy heart starts to calm down and he manages to focus on the person at the door, he sees his little brother rushing towards him excitedly, smile so wide it has his white bunny teeth popping out and the corners of his eyes wrinkling.

"Hyung, you will never guess what just happened!"

"Well, probably not unless you tell me." Junghyun sighs, but still smiles at his little brother.

"Our teacher told us that for our final assignment we have to find a lawyer and assist him in at least three of his cases in the next six months." He starts explaining, eyes sparkling with excitement. "I asked him if I was allowed to assist my brother and he said yes."

"And what makes you think I'll agree?" Junghyun arches an eyebrow in amusement.

"Because you adore me, obviously." Jungkook laughs, placing both his hands on the wooden desk and using them as leverage to tower over his brother, a knowing smirk on his face. "And because you know how damn good I am."

Junghyun stares up at his little brother. He's grown so much over the last few years he can barely recognize the small boy who was all doe eyes and bunny smiles anymore. Jungkook's become a strong, charismatic and smart man, though he still lacks a bit of maturity.

"Only because I'm the one who taught you." Junghyun retorts, holding out his hand to ruffle his little brother's hair. "Let's see if you're worthy of assisting me. Check this out."

Junghyun turns one of his files around and pushes it across the desk. Jungkook looks down, catches a couple words on the first paper, and understands.

"This is a case I've already figured out. Take it to your room, think about it, and if you manage to solve it, you can be my assistant for the next six months."

It's been an hour and Jungkook still can't figure it out.

He keeps reading to himself all of the evidence and details of the case over and over again, shifting through the pages of the file, the photos, the tests, everything. And he still doesn't have a single clue.

Jungkook straightens up, back against his desk chair, and lifts up his arms to stretch with a groan. The relief he feels as his bones crack softly is indescribable. He takes a deep, deep breath, and clears his mind of all the jumbled up theories he's tried to elaborate throughout the hour of research, before calmly setting his eyes back on the paper. He slowly reads the main points.

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