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*says she's not gonna update in a while*

*updates earlier than she usually does*



Freshly showered and after a relatively decent dinner, Taehyung walks into his cell in his usual large shirt and boxers attire. Droplets of cold water fly out of his damp hair as he ruffles it messily and approaches his desk, on top of which he finds the small phone he left in Jimin's office yesterday.

With a sigh, he grabs the cell, unlocks it with the code that has been previously given to him along with the forms, and opens the contacts list. As expected, all the requested contacts are saved with the names he asked to be assigned to them, and as he scrolls down he finds the contact he's been searching for.

He licks his lip and, with a heavy heart and a thumb hovering over the call button, sits on the lower bunk bed and musters up the courage to press the fucking button. Slight anxiety takes over him as he hears the ringback tone. It evolves into full-blown panic as he hears a static for a few eternal seconds, before a familiar stern voice speaks out.


"Dad?" Taehyung says softly, lips trembling. "Dad, it's me."

"Are you alone?" He asks in a strict tone.

No asking about how he is, about how he's holding up. No telling him how much he misses him. Not an ounce of relief in his voice after Taehyung disappeared for a week when he was supposed to call him the morning after his incarceration.

Okay. Alright.

"Yeah." Taehyung recomposes himself and speaks with a firmer voice. "How's... work?"

"A fucking mess, I'm drowning in files and unsolved cases. I just wanna throw all of this shit to the trash and send all the fuckers to prison. It was easier when you were helping out."

"Which trial's the closest?" Taehyung asks, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"Some idol called Choi Minho."

Taehyung quirks up an eyebrow and falls back to lie on the bed, phone pressed against his ear.

"Defendant or litigator? And what are the charges?"

"Some girl sued him for allegedly sexually assaulting her. There are witnesses saying she was spotted inside the hotel the idol stayed in and--"

"Dad," Taehyung interrupts him, corners of his lips twitching as he bites back a laugh. "Choi Minho's gay."

There's a silence for a few seconds before his father speaks again, suspicious.

"How do you know that?"

"Trust me." Taehyung chuckles.

Then it's silence again and Taehyung can only hear the sound of his father's breathing. It's somehow soothing and calming, and for just a bit the muscles in his body relax and he allows himself to close his eyes, until he recalls the reason why he called him in the first place and all of a sudden he stiffens again.

"Tell me," he starts, doubt dripping from his shaky voice. "Dad, why did you refuse to come see me at visitation?"

More silence. The breathing sounds stop. Taehyung's throat feels dry.

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