43. No such thing as luck

Start from the beginning

"Oh jeez," You signed.

"Come on, Y/N, he talked about you in the car on the way he likes you."

"Doesn't mean anything is going on."

"But kissing you does. Plus you talked about it to me, Namjoon and Yoongi hyung," Jimin chipped in on Hobi's side.

"Don't side with him," you complained to Jimin who gave you a look of fake innocence. 

"So?" Hobi continued.

"So what?"

"Do you like him?" He urged. 

You didn't immediately respond.

Could you really commit and say you liked him? 

Did you get a pounding feeling in your heart because you liked him or because you liked the way he looked at you?

Did you like him or the thought of him? 

"Yes, she does," Jimin answered quickly for you. You glared at him and she smiled innocenly back at you.

"We're nothing official though. I don't know if he wants to push that step yet." 

"Of course he does, Y/N. He's never been like this around a girl before, even the ones we knew in the Warehouse. He wasn't interested in anyone and they weren't ugly girls either." 

"Trust us, Y/N. He told us all how much he likes you. He said he thought you were hot the first day he met you, he started liking you when you started properly helping us in the wild. Around the time of us going to the Farmhouse. Did the two of you do anything, did he act weird?" 

Your memory jogged back to when Jungkook had been shirtless behind the barn, when you touched his abs, when you made the horserider joke and when he slept with you to comfort you when you couldn't sleep.

You smiled.

"See?" Hobi chuckled at your face, "Those feelings he gives you, the excitement and happiness, it's the same feelings he gets when he sees you." 

"How do you know all this oppa?" You asked curiously as to how Hobi knew so much, "Did Jungkook tell you?"

Hobi shook his head, "Just what I've been observing. Plus he told us all on the way here in the truck."

You scoffed at him and Jimin rolled his eyes tripping on something under the water and almost fall headfirst into the water.

"Careful," you chuckled.

A sudden, loud gunshot echoed loudly through the tunnel ahead of you making your ears ring. The three of you ducked quickly behind a bus and looked around. Nothing was around you, no Biter's and no other humans. If someone had come from in front of you you'd have heard them. It was possible someone was tailing you from behind but the burst pipe it was unlikely. With all this water around surely you would've heard them. 

"I think that came from in front of us," you whispered poking your head out from the bus. 

"Me too," Hobi nodded, "I don't think it was aimed at us either."

There was a silence then another shot followed by shouting. 

"Should we go and see what's going on?" Jimin suggested tentatively.

The three of you looked at each other silently deciding whether you should or not. On one hand, you had to keep moving forward because the exit was that way and on the other hand if a gang was fighting a horde of Biters it was best to let them kill each other and clean up afterwards. 

"Let's go," you sighed reaching your decision. "Slowly and quietly."

Neither of them said a word as you pulled your pistols out and began to slowly creep forward to see what was going on. 

"Do you think it's humans fighting humans or Biters?" Hobi whispered. 

"Down here, it's more likely to be human and Biters we'd hear more guns if it was just humans," you replied feeling knowledgeable you really had no idea if that was true or not it's just what you thought. 

"Yeah, you're right," Jimin agreed staying close to you and Hobi. You could tell he was nervous, Hobi was too and your heart was pumping too fast to not be nervous. 

As you crept closer the sounds became louder and more audible. It was definitely human vs Biters the Biters moans and screams were much louder than the humans shouting to each other.  

"What if its the others?" Jimin asked glancing at you with a hopeful look in his eyes, "Shouldn't we go and help?"

He had a good point but at the same time, you didn't want to risk it being someone unfriendly, heck it could even be Baehyun. 

"It can't hurt to have a look," Hobi seemed to be on Jimin's side. You nodded understanding why they wanted to check who it was. You were so desperate for it to be the others you thought it was worth the risk.

The three of you crept forward trying to keep quiet but the water rippling around you made it difficult. You realised that the water was getting shallower as you approached the shouting. As you were behind the car closest to them it was at your knees. 

You peered around the car and saw Biters attacking what looked like two people maybe it was Jungkook and Yoongi but they were trapped on the other side of the pipe. 

"Taehyung run!" Came a shout you recognised, "Jin needs help!"

"It's Namjoon hyung," Jimin pointed out the obvious and the three of you stood up. 

As Namjoon and Tae were being trapped by more and more Biters you began sprinting over to help them picking up a pipe that was sticking out of the window of a car as you ran. Jimin and Hobi were hot on your heals preparing themselves for a fight. As relieved as you were to see them you had to help them first.

You whacked the Biter over the head that was pinning Namjoon to the wall. He pointed his gun at you not recognising you immediately. 

"It's me, Its Y/N!" You put your arms up trying to calm him.

"Y/N?" He breathed as a flash of relief dawned on his face.

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