"Me," Hoseok said, sliding over and leaving enough room for Yoongi to sit right next to him.

Seokjin, mouth full of BigMac, nodded over to Hoseok signaling for the burger boy to move it.

"I don't bite, ya know," Hoseok said while reaching for his soda. "But I can do a hell of a lot of other stuff."

"Hey!" Seokjin spit part of his burger out of this mouth, obviously in shock. "Don't say stuff like that! I'm sexually sensitive!"

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Not this again."

"Sexually sensitive?" Yoongi questioned.

"Shoot your load and hit the road, but don't tell me about it!"

This time Hoseok spat out his drink, and Yoongi seemed to choke on air, coughing at Seokjin's words.

"That's what you both get for keeping your little friendship from me. Karma's a bitch and it's name is Seokjin!"

Finally catching his breath, Yoongi slid over to Hoseok, sitting next to him silently while the seemingly-younger-yet-older man downed his BigMac.

"Not so fast, little man." Seokjin handed Yoongi his soda cup. "Cherry coke with ten ice cubes. Ten."

"This isn't that kind of place, Seokjin. It's literally just a McDonald's."

As if on cue, Yoongi's manager appeared with a not-so-happy expression. Dimples appearing out of anger.

"What did I say about degrading my establishment!" Namjoon said sternly.

Seokjin didn't care about his drink anymore. He just looked at the tall man before him in uniform. Dark leather shoes. White, long-sleeve button-up shirt. Sleeves rolled up. Dark pants. Black professionally messy hair. Glasses.

And dimples.

"I was just giving them their order, Joon!" Yoongi said raising his voice.

"It's Mr. Kim to you, Min Yoongi."

At that, Seokjin felt threatened by Namjoon. In a good way.

But he wasn't prepared.

Unable to think of words, he quickly got up, almost crashing into Mr. Kim, and walked away leaving his large side of fries.

Namjoon was taken aback at first but quickly returned to reprimanding Yoongi.

"Next time I see you slacking off, you're done."

The angry manager stormed away, leaving Yoongi and Hoseok at the table.

"Well, he seems like a dick," Hoseok said while eating the leftover fries.

"He's my best friend," Yoongi said plainly.

"Why would he treat you like that, then?"

"It's just him in 'work mode' is all."

Hoseok scoffed. "Classic sub. Making excuses."

"Dude, can you knock it off?" Yoongi asked rhetorically. "My sexual whatever is none of your concern."

He knew the Sunshine was only joking, but he'd had enough. Yoongi was already insecure about his sexuality, and he didn't need another person to dig him deeper in the hole of doubt he had within himself.

"I'm pretty sure it is. You did add me back on Grindr."

Yoongi threw his phone on the table. "It's not like I had a choice!"

"If I bother you so much, just block me," Hoseok said eating a fry.

Yoongi dramatically tapped his phone, emphasizing that he was unable to leave the app.

Unable to leave Hoseok.

Symbolic, wasn't it?

A low giggle slowly left Hoseok's heart-shaped smile, quickly erupting into laughter. "Ah man!" he let out, pointing at the broken phone. "That's gotta be a sign or something!"

"I know, I know. The world hates me."

"No, you just need a new phone," he responded throwing a fry at Yoongi.

"You don't think I know that, dumbass?," he said throwing the fry back at him. "That broken piece of shit is all I have."

Yoongi noticed Hoseok soften for a second at his frustration. But only a second. "I'll buy you a new one," he said casually eating his fries again. "Right now."

Yoongi quickly straightened in the booth and made eye contact with the man sitting next to him. "Hoseok, I can't let you do that. I barely even know you."

He smirked in return. "What do you wanna know then, burger boy?"

"Quit calling me that and quit making everything so..." Yoongi hesitated, looking for the right word. "Sexual!"

This time instead of a smirk, Yoongi was given an eyebrow raise and a glare that looked at him like he was stupid.

"Me? Sexual? Right now? Yoongi, have you seriously not had that much action in your life?"

"Holy hell, I'm leaving." The McDonald's cashier left the table, but the Sunshine quickly followed behind.

After all, no one can ignore the sun.

"Yoongi, wait!"

But the moment was interrupted, and both Yoongi and Hoseok had stopped mid-step. Turning right and looking at the bathroom door.

Namjoon and Seokjin crashed out of the restroom holding onto each other for dear life. Both men with their belts undone and shirts almost ripped off. Lips clung to one another not realizing where they were.

Until the deafening silence made their mouths part. The two men awkwardly looked around the restaurant. And even more awkwardly made eye contact with customers.

Then Namjoon finally met Yoongi's shocked stare. The one person he hoped would never see him like this. And Yoongi spoke.

"You been McFuckin?"


I feel secondhand embarrassment for Namjin but an author's gotta do what an author's gotta do. Also sorry for such a late update! I was busy moving and busy being on Instagram. I have an addiction to that app (kinda like Yoongi with Grindr ahahfhjs)

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