Baby, it's cold outside

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The house was quieter than usual... maybe it was because Logan and Roman were out grocery shopping, leaving only him in the house. But Patton didn't really mind since he was able to get most of his chores done without the other sides messing everything up again - The creative trait leaving his Disney movies and crayons laying around, Logan with various papers and lists on the tables that were no longer needed or necessary.

Virgil never seemed to make any mess, at least, not around the house. Not where it was in plain sight and everyone could see it. No, Virgil often helped Patton do the chores when he wasn't busy doing his own thing.

Being on his own also meant he could finish the Christmas decorating! He could finally add the fairy lights to the tree, which he had been excited to do for the longest time. He'd make sure to do that after he finished vacuuming. Patton let out a content sigh and pulled out the vacuum from under the stairs, plugging it in and flicking on the switch.

Patton vacuumed around the tree, behind the couch and under the coffee table. He spent fifteen minutes doing that, only to stop in his tracks, vacuum still gurgling with noise as a voice soft and delicate reached his ears.

"I really can't stay..."

The Moral trait flicked off the switch, confused, continuing to listen intently.

"This evening has been... so very nice..."

Were Roman and Logan back from grocery shopping already? Patton couldn't remember seeing them come through the front door, and there were no shopping bags anywhere... and he certainly would have remembered getting fresh snacks. He was definitely alone in the house, right? And even if he wasn't... Virgil wouldn't be the type of side to be singing... at least out loud.

"My mother will start to worry... My father will be pacing the floor..."

The longer Patton pondered of who might be the one singing, the smile on his lips became more prominent, wider. He couldn't believe what he was hearing - it was the voice of an angel, of a beautiful siren luring him in.

Before Patton knew it, he was already walking up the stairs, the voice becoming louder the further up he got. The sound of water running caught his attention, which was soon followed by the soft melody he had been hearing from when he was down stairs. And in no time, the father figure was sitting outside of the bathroom, listening in on the voice that caused him to smile wider than he ever had before.

"The neighbours might think..."

"Baby, it's bad out there..." Patton whispered out the lyrics, quiet enough for no one else to hear, but still loud enough for his words to be in tune.

"Say what's in this drink?" The Moral trait could hear the smile in the voice, pouring into his singing.

"No cabs to be had out there..."

"I wish I knew how..."

"Your eyes are like starlight now..."

"To break this spell..."

"I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell..." Patton's singing was a few notches below the one coming from the bathroom, as he tried his best to keep the other trait from hearing him.

"I ought to say, no, no, no sir..."

"Mind if I move in closer?" He couldn't help but giggle, continuing to listen to melody. Patton wanted so desperately to know who could be singing like this. Roman's singing was amazing, Patton had told him many times. Logan on the other hand would never be caught singing about anything other than Crofters, but his voice was still fantastic.

"At least I'm gonna say that I tried..."

But this voice right here. These angelic and magical vocals were unbelievable. It was hard to think that he had been in the house on his own when someone had been singing their heart out while he cleaned.

"What's the sense in hurtin' my pride?"

"I really can't stay..."

"Oh baby don't hold out..."

"But baby, it's cold outside!" Their voices harmonised together, causing Patton to develop butterflies in his stomach. His voice had been rising throughout the song, forgetting that he was meant to be keeping quiet, that he wasn't meant to be sitting outside of the bathroom, listening to someone sing.

The singing came to an unhealthy halt, even when there were a few more verses left... the song wasn't continued. The uneven splashing of the water hitting the plastic of the shower bottom had stopped, the curtain screeching as it was pulled back.

Patton quickly scooped himself up from the ground, blush growing on his cheeks by the fact he had been caught eavesdropping. He watched as the door handle jiggled and unlocked before peeking open a little to reveal -


Virgil's cheeks were dusted with a light layer of freckles, hidden by a powder pink blush. His eyes so much brighter without the eye-shadow painted under them, making them stand out more, almost doe like. Virgil's wet bangs flopped over the top of his eyebrows, sticking to his forehead like glue. Patton tried his best to ignore the fact that Virgil was wearing nothing but a towel to cover himself with.

"Um... H-hi, Pat... heh..."

"Wow! You were - you were amazing!" Patton beamed, his glasses becoming foggy from the steam coming from the bathroom. "I didn't know you could sing like that!"

"Yeah... well..." Virgil shrugged a little, suddenly feeling exposed. "I should, um... get dressed..."

"Oh! Yesh... yees, um, you should- I mean - you look good -" Patton's eyes went wide. "No like that - well, if - uh- 'cause we're not - I mean, you don't and I'm - oh gosh..."

Virgil snorted softly, quickly covering his mouth. "Relax, Patton. It's fine."

Patton smiled back, cheeks blushing crimson.

Virgil was about to shut the door to get dressed, when he uttered; "You look good too, Pat."

𝑀𝑜𝓍𝒾𝑒𝓉𝓎 𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈 (𝒮𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒮𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓈)Where stories live. Discover now