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Just putting this here for those who have kept this book unread in their library.


Reece Coleman—a broken teen who carries the weight of her deceased father and alcoholic mother—is faced with her biggest turmoil as an unwanted connection begins to form with the irritating yet charming Wesley King– the new transfer student who instantly catches her attention and seems intent on keeping himself in her spotlight.

Having to cope with the anxiety disorder developed through her father's death, Reece feels nowhere near ready to acknowledge her growing feelings towards Wesley, but for some unknown reason, said boy refuses to exit her life as abruptly as he barged into it.

The more Reece gets to know Wesley the more it comes to her attention that maybe the wittingly charming boy isn't as put together as he seems, and maybe,

Just maybe,

Wesley isn't as much of a stranger as Reece first came to believe.


The start of this book is kind of cliche and some parts are cringey because I published the first ten-ish chapters when I was 16/17, but I promise my writing does get better as I got older.


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