Chapter 33- Broken Camping Trip

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What the fuck was I doing with my life.

Was I really about to endure an hour long car ride to sleep in the middle of the goddam wilderness?

Yes, yes I was.

Long weekends were meant to be what every student looked forward to but I had absolutely been dreading this one all week.

And now it's finally. fucking. here.

The dreaded weekend we were forced to spend with dumb and dumber.

Aka, Asher and Amelia.

During the beginning of the week in fifth period, Wesley had asked Amelia if she'd like to join us this weekend to go camping. I had begrudgingly watched from my seat with a sour expression as I watched him approach her. As soon as she saw him standing in front of her she had gifted him with her undivided attention, her eyelashes doing that fluttery thing they always did when he was around her. After a few moments of his lips moving soundlessly from where I sat, the biggest smile had stretched across her face and she enthusiastically leaned forward in her seat, placing her hand on his arm as she replied to whatever it was that he had said. I had almost bolted up from my seat to clock the daylights out of her but I reminded myself that violence wasn't the answer.

At least not in a school environment.

It didn't surprise me at all when Wesley had informed me that she had unfortunately agreed to come along. To make the situation even better (note the sarcasm), she had insisted on inviting Asher as well, claiming that without him she wouldn't feel as comfortable hanging around all of us.

Honestly, I would be lying if I said that we weren't planning on making this weekend a living hell for her, however inviting Asher really wasn't going to make a difference.

The rest of the week I had to channel my inner peacemaker as she kept sending me smug looks over her shoulder in law class. I almost reached out to strangle her a few times whenever I passed her desk to throw something away.

I had a growing suspicion that it wasn't Mr. Richardson's idea to ask Wesley to invite her along.

Speaking of dumb and dumber, they were the last two we were currently waiting on before hitting the road. We decided to all meet up at mine and Wesley's house around six after school so we could all arrive at the campsite at the same time. We planned on taking three cars, Wesley and I in his, Carter, Derek and Violet in Carter's vehicle (he refused to be alone with Derek) and Asher and Amelia in Asher's car. Wesley and I would have also ridden in Carter's vehicle but there wasn't enough room for all of us plus all our camping equipment.

The five of us had been sitting on my porch for the last half an hour in light conversation while we waited. Wesley and I had dropped off Sammy at Jonathan's house right after school before killing time. Just like me, Sammy wasn't keen on the idea of camping and told me that he'd much rather spend the long weekend in the cozy sheltered home of the Langford's where there was electricity and a bathroom– his words exactly.

"How long are these fuckers going to take?" Derek grumbled, stretching out his decently long legs in front of him and leaning back on his arms. He squinted and sighed in mild irritation as the sun's rays directly hit in his line of vision. The day's were much warmer and brighter out now that we were nearing the end of April.

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