Chapter 29- Broken Forgiveness

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I've been trapped in my room for almost two hours now.

Two. Freaking. Hours.

My stomach was growling like crazy and I was beginning to feel lightheaded from the lack of sleep and food. I attempted to fall asleep a few times but I was never one of those people who could take a nap whenever they pleased.

After some thinking I came to the conclusion that there was only one dumbass that would pull a stunt like this.


And then after some more thinking, I realized that the dumbass would have never been able to successfully pull this plan off on his own.

Which meant there must have been another dumbass who helped him.


You can imagine my lack of shock when I spotted those two said dumbasses through my window doing the shittiest job of sneaking around Wesley's property next door.

What did surprise me however, was the apparent third member of the dumbass trio casually strolling behind them, not even caring to crouch down like the other two ahead of him. It seemed Derek didn't get the memo that whatever the hell they were doing was meant to be a stealthy top secret mission of get Wesley and Reece to forgive each other.

What surprised me even more was how he was so obviously checking out Carter's juicy behind as Carter remained bent over in front of him, checking left and right to sweep the area for any "possible threats."

Yeah, the position didn't look so kid friendly from my angle if you know what I mean...

I had thought about busting their asses from their secret mission and demanding them to let me out but then I realized it would have just been a complete waste of energy as they would simply ignore me and carry on with their plan.

Instead, I had silently watched them from my window, drumming my fingers against the sill in boredom and attempting to rid of the nervousness creeping up at the thought of possibly coming face to face with Wesley.

That had taken place about an hour ago and I hadn't seen my friends sneaking around our properties since.

When I first realized what was going on, my first attempt at escaping was banging on my door and demanding my brother to let me out. That didn't work as he explained that Carter specifically told him the door was not to be opened under any circumstances until he came back with Wesley. My second attempt was climbing up my roof and using my ladder to get down but that didn't happen either as I soon discovered that they had moved my ladder so it was laying on the grass in my backyard.

After that I had accepted defeat and let fate do whatever the fuck it pleased with my life.

If I was destined to stay locked up in this room for years then so be it. Maybe I'd grow my hair out and let a cute boy use it as a damn rope so he could save me from my evil drunk mother.

I didn't know what was taking these fuckers so damn long to let me out of here but I was starting to get very irritated.

"I just want foooood," I whined aggressively into my pillow, as if on cue my stomach growled. I sat up abruptly and punched the mattress beside me with a huff.

What was it that Rapunzel did to pass time?

And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?

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