Chapter 1

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Freddys POV

It's been a month since Brayden and Chica got together... Foxy and I are getting a little sick of them... I mean, they wanna do everything together and alone... Foxy and I haven't been agreeing on a lot lately, so I'm pretty bored...

Ever since the whole "killing my brother" thing, I've felt so guilty... All he wanted was to be a better brother to me....

Even thought he possessed me, Brayden, almost killed me twice, almost killed Foxy and Chica twice... Etc. Etc.

We've gone through 13 security guards, and I haven't killed any...

Maybe a reason why I'm so anti-social nowadays...

I used to be so...


Now I'm more like...

Poop emoji...

I think I'm turning into a loner...

This is what happens when you quit dating for a couple months...


. . .

Triple dot...


It's come to this...

The thing I don't understand is that we shut down a week or two ago... But we still need a security guard... And we still have to stay still during that day... We reopen soon...

"Hey..." Foxy came and sat down next to me.

"Dude I'm so bored..."

"That makes two of us... The only thing to watch around here is Brayden and Chica..."

We had a TV, but it was stolen a while ago...

"Well, what are we doing tonight?" I asked Foxy.

He smirked, "Night 1..."

Five nights at Freddys 2 *FANFIC*Where stories live. Discover now