Well, I actually had a pretty good idea with what they wanted from me. I cringed at the thought.

His condescending tone finally made me look up and fully take him in, albeit with narrowed eyes. As  I did so, my eyes widened slightly and my mouth went dry at the sight of him. 

His eyes drew me in like a magnet. They were an electric blue like all of those around me but... they had a fire... an electricity within them that I couldn't really explain. He was tall and his muscles were perfectly toned. His dark eyelashes framed his otherworldly eyes as he stared down at me suspiciously.

He was a total asshole.

His hair was the colour of obsidian, a shade that seemed impossibly darker than black that suited him completely. I had never seen someone more perfect; and he wasn't even from this planet.

Figures. I shuddered, shaking myself from the illusion I was sure he had forced upon me with his alien mojo.

I glared. I had reserved judgement on these assholes, hoping they would be better than the ones I had just endured. I realized now that it may be a lost cause. My façade hardened as I stared him down. He was partly responsible for my torture and mutation. They all were... and I was not going to pretend to be friendly in the slightest.

The men snickered behind him, amused at my attitude, I was sure. I wasn't having any of it as I glowered at them all before turning to face him head on. 

"Go to hell. I'm not going anywhere with you." I snapped, glaring at him under my eyelashes.

He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at me. "It's funny you think you have a choice." His voice was flat and emotionless now. It caused goosebumps to travel up my arms. He was terrifying in a way I had never experienced before. A terrifying that for some reason thrilled me at the same time.

Wait, what? This alien should not be thrilling me in any way. I chastised my inner thoughts angrily.

I scoffed, "None of this has been my choice. Do you even know what they did to me?' I practically snarled, my eyes darting to all the men surrounding me. I stepped towards him aggressively.

I felt like a caged animal, and I was about to snap. I sensed that they could feel it too, as they seemed to ready themselves for something to happen. They looked so uneasy that I almost laughed. The big, macho aliens were scared of a little girl.

"Calm down." The gorgeous man ordered, just as angrily. If I had needed any further proof that he wasn't a nice guy, I didn't need it any longer. 

"Why don't you make me?" I growled. My mind had gone to fight or flight, thinking only of how I was going to escape this prison they had sentenced me to without my consent.

"I wouldn't suggest taunting him like that, cutie." One of the other aliens piped up. He had blonde hair and tanned skin. He was also unnaturally attractive. I glared back at him, and he smirked in response.

"Suit yourself," He muttered lightly, raising his hands in a surrendering motion, moving into the background once more.

"Kade, we've got to get her up to the boss." The blonde piped up again. So Kade was the big bad hottie that was currently matching my hostile glare.

Typical name for a hot douche bag. The name suits him perfectly. I thought to myself bitterly. 

I dug my feet into the dirt, ready for another fight. I was suddenly extremely scared and wished none of this had ever happened to me. It was unfair.

Kade studied me intently, and I stared right back at him unhappily. "Calm down," He commanded once again. It only angered me more.

My body began to feel hot. All over. I stumbled on my feet as I felt a burst of energy that was extremely foreign overcome my body. I felt weird

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