Lea grinned. "You really love that word, don't you?"

Gollum laughed softly. "Yes, our favorite word, describes you perfectly."

"Mine is sweater, and honestly, I think it describes you perfectly, too. You're the world's softest and fluffiest and most cuddly and tickly sweater."

Sméagol giggled. "Awwww, Sweetie, you're so cute."

"We thinks you're the world's softest and fluffiest sweater," said Gollum. "You're our favorite sweater to snuggle with."

Lea giggled as if she was being tickled.

Sméagol smiled sweetly. "Awwww, listen to that precious laugh."

"Yes," added Gollum, "and look at those precious dimpleses. We wants to pinch its little cheekses."

Lea and Gollum giggled as he gently pinched her cheeks.

"Awwwwww." Sméagol held her tightly, and kissed her cheek. "Our baby."

"You're the sweetest guy ever," said Lea, "and I'm talking about both sides of you. You're so incredible and... I just... I can't even begin to describe what you mean to me. But, I hope my Christmas present to you can at least help explain it a little."

"Oh, where is it?" asked Gollum.

"It's inside." Lea got up from the swing, and picked up her gift bags.

"Here," Sméagol said, taking one of the bags from her, "Sméagol help you." He followed her inside and into her music room

Lea turned on her video camera, and hit "Record." Then, she and Sméagol sat next to each other on the piano bench.

"I've been working on this song, basically since we met," said Lea, "and it took forever to write, because I couldn't find the right words to say how I feel. I couldn't come up with a melody that was beautiful enough. Then, one day, something came to me. I still don't feel like it even describes a fraction of how I feel about you, but it's the best I could do, and I still hope you like it. So, this is for you, both Gollum and Sméagol." Lea began to play and sing her song, and poured her heart out in every word and note. She glanced over at Sméagol, and broke down sobbing. However, she still managed to sing and play every note correctly. All of her love for him came spilling out in that one song.

When she finished, she looked over at Sméagol, who was sobbing his heart out. He threw his arms around her, and held her so tightly. "Awwww, my precious!" he wept. "It was so beautiful! We loves it!"

"I love you so freaking much," Lea wept, kissing him. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"We feels the same way about you, too, Precious," Gollum wept. "We loves you so very much."

"More than anything," Sméagol added.

"I meant every word in that song," said Lea.

"We knows." Sméagol played with Lea's hair. "We knows, Baby."

"But, I know it doesn't even begin to say how I feel about you, because no amount of words in any or every language, no amount of music, nothing could ever explain how much you mean to me, how much I really love you and need you, and what an amazing and beautiful and kindhearted person you are. I really mean it when I say you are the sweetest person I've ever known, and you are my person."

"You're our person, too, Baby," said Gollum. "We would be lost without you."

"No," said Sméagol, "we wouldn't even be here without you, Sweetie. We needs you, too, and we will always love you."

"Always, my love. Always." Gollum kissed Lea. "We knows you've heard this before, but we truly means it when we says we will never, ever leave you."

"We will always be here for you."

"Ditto," Lea sniffled. "I've got your back forever. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me."

Sméagol smiled.

"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Precious," Sméagol said sweetly.

"Yes, very, very Merry Christmas, my love," added Gollum as he held Lea's face in his hands, and kissed her passionately.

That night, Sméagol decided to sleep in his bunny onesie. He wrapped his body and his fuzzy tail around Lea, and it was the most comfortable he had ever felt. Not only did he love the feel of the soft, sweatery material, but he loved the feel of the zipper against his skin. He loved the funny sound it made, and he loved making Lea laugh whenever he played with it. From then on, every sweater and shirt he wore always had a zipper down the front.

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