Damian laughed as Sméagol took the bunny onesie into the bathroom to change into it. He came out with the biggest smile on his face. "It fits us!" he exclaimed. "It fits us!"

"Awwww, you look absolutely adorable, Sméagol!" Bri cried. "Do you like it?"

"Oh, we loves it!"

"Yes, we loves it very much!" Gollum exclaimed happily. "Did you make it, Precious?"

"I did indeed," said Bri, "with Aini's help."

"What do you think of the zipper?" asked Lea.

"We loves it!" Sméagol exclaimed as he grabbed onto it, and zipped it up and down, giggling so sweetly. "It's so funny, and we likes how it feels against our skin."

Bri, Lea, and Aini giggled.

"Did you check out your tail?" asked Bri.

Sméagol reached behind himself, andplayed with his tail. He moved it around in different directions.

"Wiggle it."

Sméagol did so, and giggled gleefully. "It tickles us! We loves our tail!" He ran to Bri, and gave her a big bunny hug. "Thank you, Bri, our precious friend. We loves you."

"Awww, you're welcome, Sweetie."

"And, you know, if the hood gets too hot for you, you can always take it off, and let it just rest behind you," said Damian.

"And, by the way, Sméagol and Gollum, that is not your only gift from me." Bri reached under the tree, and handed him another gift, a rather large wrapped box.

He quickly removed the wrapping paper to reveal a whole bunch of boxes. "What are these?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Those are Goldfish Crackers," said Bri. "They're little fish-shaped crackers. They don't tase like fish, but I think you'll like them. And, there's different flavors, like Cheddar, Pizza, Ranch, and all the things."

Sméagol's mouth watered. "Mmmm, they sounds delicious."

"Oh, they are," said Damian. "I like the pizza flavor the best."

"You'll love 'em," said Bri, "and you can even share them with Lea if you want."

Sméagol smiled sweetly. "Awww, of course we shares with our precious Lea." He kissed Lea's cheek.

"And, last one." Bri handed Sméagol another wrapped gift. "I made this one all by myself."

Sméagol removed the paper to reveal a thick book entitled Affirmations of Awesomeness.

"It's a book of positive affirmations that I wrote, so anytime you're feeling down on yourself or depressed or you just want a pick-me-up to remind you of how awesome you are, just read the book."

"Awwww, Bri!" Sméagol cried, giving Bri the biggest hug. "We loves you so much. Thank you."

'Awww, and Gollum, these gifts are for you, too. Don't ever forget you're just as important to us as Sméagol. We love you both."

Gollum smiled. "We loves you, too, Precious."

Bri smiled back. "Okay, Lea, your turn." She reached under the tree, and handed Lea her first gift.

Lea reached in the bag, and pulled out a long, very soft and fluffy sweater dress. "Oh, my gosh!" she squealed, hugging the dress. "It's so sweatery and tickly!"

"That is a sweatery nightdress," said Bri, "...or house dress. I knitted that one myself. There's another sweater dress in there, by the way, and that one, you can wear it when you go out."

Lea pulled out the other dress, which was also long and fluffy, but a lot more suitted for outtings. She hugged both the dresses. "Thank you, Bri. They're so soft and tickly and fluffy." She rubbed her hands against them, giggling like an innocent child. "Sweeeaaaterrr!" she squealed softly.

Sméagol giggled and hugged her. "You're so cute."

Lea smiled as Bri handed her another gift. She tore off the paper, and opened the big box to see a whole bunch of large bags of Doritos of all different flavors inside. "Oh, my total gosh!" she shouted. "I'm in Dorito Heaven!"

Bri laughed. "Dorito Sweater Heaven I'd say." Then, she handed Lea her last gift, which was much smaller.

Lea removed the wwrapping paper, immediately knowing what it was. "An iTunes card!" she exclaimed.

"Actually, two iTunes cards," said Bri, "both $100."

Lea gasped excitedly. "Holy shit, $200?!"


"Oh, my gosh! Bri, you spoiled me rotten! Thank you!"

Bri laughed. "You're welcome, Sweetie. Okay, I have one more gift for both of you." She reached under the tree, grabbed an envelope, and handed it to Sméagol. "You open it, so you can read it to Lea."

Sméagol carefully slid his finger through the sealed envelope, opened it, and pulled out two folded up pieces of paper with tickets inside. "Celtic Woman ticketses?!" he said excitedly.

"Yep, and Meet & Greet passes. They're coming here in May, so you and Lea are finally going to have your dream date."

Sméagol and Lea looked at each other with huge smiles on their faces.

"We're finally gonna see Celtic Woman together!" Lea exclaimed. "Thank you, Bri!"

"Aww, you're welcome," said Bri, "but this was actually from me, Damian, and Aini.

Lea smiled. "Thanks, guys. You're the best friends we could ever ask for."

"We feel the same about you guys," said Damian. "You're awesome."

"So, Sméagol," said Bri, "we're having some friends and family over tonight for Christmas dinner and more gift exchange and other fun things, and I think it would be so awesome and adorable if you wore that onesie."

Sméagol smiled warmly. "We will, Precious." Then, he got up, and gave Bri, Damian, Aini, and Lea big hugs. "We loves you all so much."

"We loves you, too, Sweetie," Bri said in a cutesy voice.

Sméagol's RedeptionWhere stories live. Discover now