Pyrrha smiled at him before responding.

Pyrrha: Jaune, I want you to know that I wanna always be there You whenever you're in trouble no matter the cost. I'm happy that I'm apart your life.

Jaune: That really nice thing for you to say Pyrrha. From this moment on, we must train harder and we must fight alongside each other.

Pyrrha:Sounds Good Jaune.

Jaune:But Pyrrha, there is something that I must confess something first...

Pyrrha: And Just What is that Jaune?

Jaune: I never was accepted into beacon.

Pyrrha:What do you mean?

Jaune:I never fought into any combat school of some source. I never did anything to earn my spot here at this academy! I got some fake transcript and I lied.

Pyrrha: But Why?

Jaune: Because I want to be a fearless fighter. I wanna improve fighting skill more so that could get better. All of that came through all thanks to you Pyrrha. You're the person to prove me right.

Pyrrha:Well Jaune it's okay. I won't tell a soul. When you're ready to come, I will be waiting in the dorm.

Jaune: *Smiling* I knew I could of count on you Pyrrha.

Pyrrha went to her dorm.

???: Well ,well, if it isn't Jauney boy.

Jaune looked to see Cardin.

Jaune:Cardin, you didn't hear anything right?

Cardin:No, I heard plenty. You used fake transcript to get your way into Beacon. I never thought you to be quite the rebel.

Jaune:Please don't tell anyone.

Cardin: Come on, you know I wouldn't rat out a friend like that.

Jaune: a friend?

Cardin grabbed Jaune into a headlock hug.

Cardin: That's right we're friends now. The way that I see it, as long as you're there for me, we'll be friends for along.

Jaune escape out from Cardin's hold.

Jaune: I would never be friends with you!

Cardin: What was that Jauney boy?

Jaune: Yeah that's right. Go tell Ozpin about those transcript because it would just prove that your just a little nobody. You pick on just for fun and I'm sick of you getting ahead of yourself.

Cardin gripped his fist but let it go by.

Cardin:Fine but you're gonna be sorry Jauney boy.

Cardin got off from the roof.

Jaune knee that he might get expelled from the school because of Cardin but that doesn't scare him. He Durant want to be working someone as mean as Cardin.


Jaune kmwas walking in the hallway and he thinking to himself in how to deal with Cardin if he ever messed with him again. His thought was interrupted by Ruby.

Ruby:Hey Jaune!

Jaune turned to Ruby surprised in her pajamas.

Jaune:Hey Ruby, What are you doing up so late?

Ruby:I was going to ask you the same thing.

Jaune:We need to talk about something.

Ruby and Jaune day down together.

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