Welcome to Beacon.

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Jaune was in the aircraft on the way to beacon. He couldn't believe that he was even able to make his way to beacon, it was all a dream come true. Once he had landed he had caught probably air sickness so he ran over to the nearest bin and began to throw furiously.

Jaune: Man, why does the always happen to me?

After that, he began to exploring beacon and saw how amazing it was.

Jaune:*To himself* Man, I've always dreamt of going beacon.

He saw some students carrying around some cool weapons and was really amazed by them. He took out his sword from his sheathe and compared it to the other students.

Jaune:Well it's not the best but it will get the work done.

An explosion occurred and then it shook him from his spot and then he was in ground before getting back up.

Jaune: That was huge.

He went to check out what it was. Once he got there, Jaune saw a huge hole in the wall and a girl with some red spot on her hair. He decided to walk over to her.

Jaune:Need a hand? Jaune Arc.


She accepted his hand.

Ruby:Aren't you the guy that threw up on the ship?

Jaune:Yeah, but please don't say that, it's really embarrassing.

Ruby:Okay, whatever you say vomit boy.

Jaune: Can you not call me that either?.... It's also really embarrassing.

Ruby: Okay, sorry.

Jaune:So anyways, you care if we could chat for a bit.

Ruby:Sure, why not?

Jaune and Ruby began to walking around and talking to each other.

Ruby:So how did you threw up exactly?

Jaune:I got some Common sickness.


Jaune:Well look, all I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on.

Ruby: Sorry, vomit boy was the first things.

Jaune:Oh yeah, how bout I call you crater face.

Ruby:Hey, That whole explosion was an accident.

Jaune:Yeah If you say so. So how bout you show some cool weapons?


Ruby took out a transforming scythe right out of her back.

Jaune:Woah is that scythe also a customizable sniper rifle?

Ruby: Yeah, how do you know?

Jaune: Well I'm an expert when it comes to weapons.

Ruby:Well What do you got?

Jaune:I got this sword.

Jaune was not really satisfied taking his lame sword out.


Jaune took out his shield also.

Ruby: What do they do?

Jaune:Well you see the shield gets smaller and when I get tired of carrying it, I could just put it away.

Ruby:Wouldn't it weigh the same?

Jaune: It does. So Ruby can you help me improve my weapon?

Ruby:Well jeez I never really thought it but I guess I could give it a shot.

RWBY Remnant: Jaune Arc.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt