Fighting through Emerald Forest.

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Jaune woke up from his sleeping place upon hearing a girl's excited voice.

Ginger hair girl: Wake up lazy bud.

There was a very excited looking girl and a really tired looking guy. Jaune rises up and yawned in the process. Jaune decided to change right out of his bunny pajamas. Once he got into the locker room, he met Ruby and Yang.

Jaune: Hi Yang, Hi Ruby.

Ruby: Hi Jaune, What are you up to?

Jaune: Oh nothing, I'm just about to get my weapon sharpen.

Jaune took out his sword from his locker and began to sharpen it.

Yang: That's a really cute shield.

Jaune: Thanks Yang. Well they do call me mr. Lady killer.

Yang:Whatever you say dude.

Jaune: Well I think I'm just gonna get ready.

Jaune decided to check out Weiss and to see how she was doing.

Jaune: Hey there Weiss.

Weiss:Ugh, you again? What do you want this time?

Jaune: Well I heard you talking about me the other day and I want to know what was that was all about.

Weiss: Well Listen, it's really non of your concern right now.

Jaune: *To red hair girl* Well hello, I haven't your name, would you care telling me?

Jaune said this in a rather flirting way and it causes the girl to start blushing.

Weiss: Do know who you're talking to?

Jaune:I have not the slightest clue.

Weiss: This is Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Hello again.

Weiss: Pyrrha graduated at the top of our classes at sanctum.

Jaune: Never heard of it.

Weiss: Ah! She won the Mistral Regional 4 years in a row..... A new record.


Weiss:*Flashing her arms* Shes on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's flakes box!

Jaune*Gasp* That's you?! I never realized that. How I missed seeing that beautiful face of yours.

Pyrrha: Yeah, I guess it was pretty cool but sadly the cereal isn't very good for you.

Weiss: So after hearing all of this, do you really think you're in position to ask her be on your team?

Jaune: I guess not... sorry.

Pyrrha: Actually Jaune, I think you'd make a great leader.

Jaune:*With Jaune*Wow really? Stop it.

Weiss: No seriously, please stop it. This type of behavior should not be encourage.

Jaune got up to Weiss.

Jaune: Now Listen here Snow queen, I'm really handsome and all so how bout-

Weiss: Okay that's a bit too close. Pyrrha a little help please?

Jaune: No wait!

Pyrrha tosses her spear into Jaune's jacket despite hearing this. Her toss was so powerful in fact that it had him pinned up against a wall.

Pyrrha:I'm sorry!

Jaune: Well looks like the ice queen sure is cold after all.

Weiss looked at Jaune annoyed before just being her usual self.

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