Major problems.

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Jaune was in class and Professor Oobleck teaching his lesson. Jaune was really tired because it might be he trained way too hard over night.

Oobleck: Yes! yes, prior to the Faunus right revolution, more popularity known as the Faunus war, humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in menagerie.*sips drink*

While Professor was teaching, Cardin flicks a piece of paper at a sleeping Jaune making him yell out.

Jaune: Hey!

Professor Oobleck: Mr.Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?

Jaune:Uhh... the answer....

Jaune looked over at Pyrrha to see her giving him some sort of hint.

Jaune: I suppose that the answer is night vision.

Professor Oobleck: precisely, so good that you are finally catching up Mr.Arc. So Mr.Winchester care to explain your thoughts on the subject?

Cardin: Well I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier?

Pyrrha: You're not the most open minded of individuals are you Cardin?

Cardin: What? You've got a problem?

Pyrrha:No, just that know how you use that brain of yours.

Cardin got really angry at that comment.

Blake: General Lagune was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched and the general was captured. Perhaps if he'd paid attention in class, he wouldn't have been remembered as such a failure.

Jaune: Yeah Cardin, how bout you prove yourself when it comes to class.

Cardin: What's That suppose to mean Jauney boy?

Jaune: It's means that I'm the one that's paying attention to class and not making an ass out of myself.

Cardin got up from his seat getting ready for a fight.

Professor Oobleck: Mr.Winchester please take your seat. Perhaps you and Mr.Arc both see me after class for additional reading.

Jaune sighed in sadness.

After class.

Professor Oobleck: You two have been struggling in my since day one! Now, I don't know if it's your lack on interest or your stubborn nature, but whatever it is. *Sips coffee* It's stops now.You've worked really hard to gain entrance of this school, and we only accept the best of the best, so I expect you to act like it. History is important gentleman! If you can't learn from it.... you're destined to repeat it. Pages 51 to 91! I want an essay on my desk next class! Now run along.

Jaune got from his seat and he met up with Pyrrha. Cardin was still angry from his match with Jaune so he pushed super hard on the ground this time.

Pyrrha helped him.

Pyrrha: I really will break his legs.

Jaune: Pyrrha, that's really sweet of you but you I can just train harder and beat him again. You know we can find somewhere else than in the school, so that way we can be alone by ourselves.

Pyrrha: I know know.

Pyrrha grabbed Jaune's hand and then pulled him up into the roof.

Jaune: WOW, that's really nice Pyrrha.

Jaune looked down before confessing to Pyrrha.

Jaune: You Pyrrha, you were the first that I met in the school to ever give me so many courage Pyrrha. I just wanna thank you.

RWBY Remnant: Jaune Arc.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora