12.How we treat traitors

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Luanna's POV
I was shocked and excited to see that Molly and Dad's numbers had been saved in my phone alongside Daniele's and Riccardo's.

Immediately I sent a message to Molly

Me: it's been a minute bish

In less than two minutes I had a reply
BestFran🤤🌈: Luanna OML is that you I've missed you. Kill their mad motherfuckin asses and come back home like now.

Me: Wait how did you know ?
BestFran🤤🌈:Having a boyfriend in the mafia obviously means you get in on all the juicy stories.

Me: Boyfriend nigga bitch what ?!!

BestFran🤤🌈: Come back soon and I can fill your crazy ass in on all the details. Gotta dash

I was left dumbstruck, I thought Daniele was just another one of her smash and dash boys. I've missed a lot.

As I was about to dial Dad's number Andrea came to get me for dinner.

Remembering what Daniele had said to me earlier on,I acted normal, as if I knew nothing.

I even went as far as saying "Andrea I'm really sorry for acting weird that day we were in the gym. I was just going through a rough patch." She simply gave me her version of a sympathetic smile.

In the dining room  Matteo and Antonio were not present which relieved my tension but not completely as Luca was there.

I constantly avoided his stare from across the table. Much to the pleasure of Andrea  all his attention was directed at her.

I was fascinated by the way in which Luca managed to make the cold,hard warrior turn into a cute  giggling girl with just a look.

However, being in their presence made me feel sick to my stomach.I quickly finished my meal and left but I wasn't fast enough as Luca managed to grab my arm.

He had a pleading look in his eyes "Luanna, I promise I would never do anything to hurt you."
I let out a sarcastic laugh and spat at him tugging my arm out of his grip.

Having nothing better to do I decided to grab my phone and wander around the house.I found myself in Matteo's office where papers were scattered all over the desk.

Out of curiosity I picked one document up and read it out loud "Deal on Ukraine shipment, 205 female minors."

Being no dumbass I realised

This is child trafficking.

My hands started trembling, he's worse than I thought.

A voice from behind caused me to jump up in fright. "You probably shouldn't be in here." He said.

My muscles eased as I turned around to come face to face with Daniele.


"Daniele!" I whisper yelled at him "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Is he out of his mind ?

"Calm down." He said
"How did you even get past the security?" I asked,slowly starting to admire his bravery.

His mouth opened forming an 'O' shape before he said "That reminds me, can you help me hide him." Bending down to pick up one of Antonio's men who was twice his size lying on the ground.

I'm not even going to ask how he knocked him out.

After helping Daniele I went back to my question. "Boy,what are you doing here ?"

He looked at me as if I'd asked the most stupid question in all history "Checking on you duh."

"Why can't Riccardo just check on me for himself?" "Unless you want another world war three me being here is a blessing."

More like a curse

"What was that ?"

Dang it, it's never in my head.

"Or maybe I can just read thoughts." He said wiggling his eyebrows

"Daniele, why can't y'all just kill them by yourselves, I mean you're here right now ?"

"Luanna, it's not that simple. Riccardo wanted it that way but we need to gain knowledge first.If we just kill them all at once we won't gain knowledge of all their operations and we'll be unable to shut them down. That's where you come in you gather the information that we need and kill them it's a win win."

At this point he was speaking complete rubbish and I was lost.

I'm guessing he saw my confused look as he suddenly stopped talking and handed me an ordinary looking pendant.

"The jewel is a microphone in disguise.All you need to do is attend meetings with Matteo or get information out of him. Anything that is said will be recorded." He looked me in the eye to make sure I understood.

He squeezed my shoulder and whispered "You'll be home soon." Before jumping out of the window.

I had no time to worry about his well being because as soon he left Matteo came in.

Fück my existence

"And what are you looking for in here ?" He questioned while approaching me

Oh crap. Think of something Luanna think !think !

I put on my most innocent smile and said "I was just looking for you I really missed you." Before I pressed a kiss against his cheek.


It seemed to have done the trick as he held me by the waist and left a light kiss on my forehead. "I love you." He said softly as he stared into my eyes.

I broke the stare not being able to look any longer into the eyes of a murderer.

He grabbed my hand and led me out of the office and towards the garage. After we climbed into one of his cars he sped off down the road.

I looked at him, he was undeniably handsome, gifted with the eyes of an angel but looks deceive.

I must have been so lost in my thoughts as I felt the car coming to a stop. We were outside a large building.

It was completely black yet the suns reflection on it made it seem brand new.

"Follow me." He ordered after we both exited the vehicle.

After putting his finger print into a funny scanning machine, the doors opened and he led me to an elevator.

Does everything have to be so dang fancy ?

Once we hit the top floor we exited and walked down the well lit corridor and to a large heavy silver door that he opened after turning to me and saying "This is how we treat traitors."

He shut the door behind us.

What the hell is happening?

Author's Note
A new chapter will be coming your way soon !!

Guess who's back back again.
Forgive my crappy writing my lovelies.Thank you for your patience and continuous support.

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