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(Picture of Luca at the top)

After finding Luanna's mother dead Riccardo realises that Antonio is playing tricks with him. Antonio arrives at Riccardo's house and confronts Luigi.Antonio is now held hostage by Riccardo. Luanna is taken by a stranger who she believes is one of Riccardo's men.
In this chapter Luanna meets Matteo, Antonio's twin brother.

Luanna's POV
I felt the warm sun shining on my face, I opened my eyes and looked around. The room was massive and the large windows gave it a view of the beautiful garden.

Where am I ?

I looked down to find that I was wearing a large shirt that seemed to belong to a male. I was not wearing this before maybe it's Riccardo's. Wait did he change me ?

All of the events from last night suddenly raced  into my mind again, I hope Riccardo is okay

The door to the room then opened, in came the guy with the glasses from last night. "Where's Riccardo?" I asked feeling my worry rising  up. "Relax, he's not here but he know you're safe.Someone wants to meet you though ." He said winking at  me "Oh and the name's Luca."

"And who would this someone  be ?" I asked trying  to maintain my patience, I hate people who beat around the bush.

I really need that vapestick of mine right now.

"You vape ?" Luca asked completely ignoring my questions and did I really say that out loud.
"Yes is there a problem with that ?" I said in a sassy tone. "No I'm  just surprised that's all. Anyway he wants you downstairs for breakfast in the next half hour, don't be late." He said before walking towards the door.

"Wait!" I called  after him "Did you change me into this shirt ?" I asked, he looked to the ground then looked back up at me "Like I said next half an hour, don't be late." He said before running out.


Finding a door that was the bathroom much to my delight, I showered and brushed my teeth before wandering out into the bedroom in search of clothes. On the bed I found a pair of underwear and black leggings with a white sweater. Luca must have left them in here while I was in the shower I thought to myself before putting on a pair of black socks with black slides.

I walked towards the bedroom door and opened it hesitantly. I was greeted by the sight of an impatient looking Luca.
"Took you long enough" he grabbed my hand "let's go."

Geez bossy much

He led me down a long winding staircase as the aroma of coffee became stronger and stronger. Eventually we reached the bottom of the staircase and took one last turn before entering a large dining room.

The table was full of all different types of foods but that isn't what caught my eye. At the head of the table sat a very handsome man with extremely pale blue eyes and dark brown hair.

I had a view of his well defined chest,as it appeared the only item of clothing he was wearing was a black silk robe.

I gulped as he looked me directly in the eye. Being in his presence was intimidating.

Luca pulled me towards the man who followed me with his gaze until I reached my seat. The handsome man spoke "Luanna how kind of you to join me here I'm Matteo pleased to meet you." He extended his hand out for me to shake then lightly kissed mine before letting it go.

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