4.The truth

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Riccardo's POV

Just as we arrived at my mansion,  I averted my gaze towards Luanna.

She looked awed by the sight before her. "Nigga do you own Apple or something why you living in a house the size of a hotel. Don't get me wrong I don't come from a poor family but even we don't live in a house this big."

"Will you stop babbling!" I snapped in a harsh tone. She glared at me but regardless stopped talking.

Realising she had forgotten about our earlier conversation, I slowly began to open my car door.

"No,no,no. You owe me an explanation mister."

Fuck.Deep breath in deep breath out.

"Okay, so this isn't something I go around telling every single person. But seeing as you are my fiancé and soon to be wife you have the right to know that I a-.." "Oh my gosh you're transgender aren't you ? I knew you were too good looking to be true !" She exclaims.

She needs to stop interrupting me before I lose my mind.

"No, let me finish," I continue "I am a dangerous man, I do dangerous things almost everyday, in fact my whole life is danger, I am  danger itself."

She looked at me with a confused look and a pout on her lips.

Gosh those lips.

"Luanna I am the leader of the mafia." I state calmly waiting for her to try scramble out the car or scream instead my ears are graced with her sweet laugh that soon turns loud, accompanied by snorts.

I stare at her blankly.
"Are you done ?" I asked her, she sighed and wiped away her tears "And are you done lying to me ?" The serious expression I gave her was enough to confirm that I was not joking with her.

"Oh." She said softly fiddling with her fingers, I could tell she was scared.

"Hey,listen." I said "There's no need to be scared of me, yes I'm a ruthless man but don't be scared of me I'm here to protect you."

She nodded her head hesitantly, completely quiet, unlike the girl who would not stop yabbering a few minutes ago.

"Come on, let's go inside." I say softly bringing  her out of her evident daze.

My baby is finally home with me.

Luanna's POV
No wonder he claims he can protect me the man is a part of the flipping mob.

That does give him a really sexy edge though.

No Luanna no

Uggh my stupid virgin sub conscience.

I've heard so many scary stories about the mafia, to think that I'm here in the same proximity as this man who is supposed to be the ruthless leader.

I shiver as I think of all the people he's possibly killed.
What if he kills me too ?

No I need to run away.

But what if he helps find mom ?

Something else comes into mind.He didn't tell me why there are people after me in the first place.

Before I can voice my thoughts his husky voice fills the silence in the car "Come on let's go inside."

As we walked to the two large front door made of glass, I noticed two well built  men in suits standing outside it.
"Boss." They said nodding their heads in unison. I assumed they're his soldiers based on the mob movies I've watched and that only increases my fear.

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