11.Did you know ?

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Recap: in the last chapter Luanna finally popped her cherry but soon after learned of Matteo and Antonio's dark secret.Will she stay loyal to them?

Luanna's POV
Last night I refused to go eat dinner with those sick murderers one of which,I had foolishly trusted.

My stomach growled reminding me I needed to eat. Last night I had nightmares of how I had let that criminal put his hands all over my body and take my innocence, those same hands that had taken away the life of she who gave me life.

Perhaps it was a misconception.

As quickly as that thought came I pushed it away. No, he's just wanted me to do his dirty work all along he's never loved me. I'm just being used for his fucking dirty work.

My blood boiled, trying to fight the rage I took in deep breaths. A knock at the door interrupted me, I had locked it last night.I didn't want the spawn of Satan coming in here and laying hands on me again.

"Who is it ?" I yelled still infuriated. "Is someone PMSing ? Geez it's just me." I immediately recognized the voice as Luca's.

Getting out of bed I walked towards it opening it for the manchild I called my friend. "Get dressed and let's go eat breakfast." He said in a sassy tone.

My stomach was tempted but soon revolted by the thought of having to see Matteo and Antonio.

"Luca, I was thinking we could maybe go to a restaurant and maybe hang out at the mall after, I need to get out of this house." I proposed. He raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner "Trouble in paradise ?" "Yeah something like that." I replied.

He immediately engulfed me in a warm bear hug and patted the top of my head saying "There,there love now go shower and brush those teeth the morning breath is intense." Even in my darkest of moods Luca could cheer me up. Just to annoy him I breathed onto his face making him cringe and gag.

As he backed away I slammed the door in his face and ran to get ready.

After I showered I didn't bother straightening my hair as usual, instead I left it curly and changed into a tight black coloured crop top with multicoloured writing on it and a pair of orange sweatpants,finishing the look off with black Nike airforces.

I went back into the bathroom to finish up my make up. When I stepped out Luca was sprawled out on my bed texting someone.

When he acknowledged my presence he got up throwing his arm around my shoulder and dragging me out to his white expensive looking sports car and we were off.

Inside the cafe,that had such an American feel it reminded me of home.I ordered a shitload of waffles and black coffee.

Our waiter was a guy who seemed about my age with hair as blonde as someone I had seen before, Daniele, I felt a pang in my chest.

He had stormy grey eyes and a mischievous smile, he asked if we needed anything else focusing his attention on me,not hiding his desire.

Luca cleared his throat and craned his neck,giving a view of a skull on fire with a gun aimed at it below his ear. The waiter quickly lost his composure and scurried off.

"What was that about?" I asked him. "Mob tattoo." was his response as he carried on typing away on his phone.

I payed no mind to him and quickly finished my breakfast glancing around the café.

At that moment a girl around my age walked in,hand in hand with her mother causing my heart to ache out of jealousy and sadness. She got to live a normal life with her mom,oblivious to all the dark occurrences and illegal groups judging by the innocent smile on her face and she got to spend time with her mother,something I'd never have the pleasure of doing again.

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