9.He did this

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In the last chapter we bore witness to the confrontation between Matteo and Riccardo, both men fighting for Luanna and their families have been injured.

Riccardo's POV
Her small hands moved cautiously around the bullet wound on my chest as she cleaned off the blood.

Soon the antiseptic made it's way into the wound as I felt the sting and hissed. "I'm sorry." She muttered before pressing her lips onto mine making me feel no pain whatsoever.

After gathering all the bloody bandages and first aid kit she moved gracefully across the floor to the bathroom.

No sooner than she left she returned to my side this time getting into bed beside me.

I wrapped my good arm protectively around her and caressed her belly where I felt a small bump, our baby.Warmth filled my heart.

I felt the coolness of her wedding ring against my ear as she whispered "I love you Riccardo."

She was right there, next to me, my pregnant Luanna.

I opened my eyes to see an empty space next to me. It was all a dream, that felt all to real.

That was how it was supposed to be in reality, Luanna as my wife, pregnant with my child right by my side not Daniele with drool coming out of his mouth on a chair next to my bed.

I need her back I need to make her mine.

The door opened and my home nurse came into view with a tray of food.

"Do I have to lie in bed all day like a child ?" I asked "Your wounds need time to heal." She responded. "I'm a man on a mission."

A mission to get back what's mine.

The previous night came back to my mind.

"What now ?" I asked as I slowly slipped out of consciousness due to blood loss. "Now we take time, we heal, we observe, we wait for them to slip up ." My father responded "But I need her back here I'm going to make her my wife I've waited long enough." "Sii paziente che mio figlio, sia paziente." (Be patient my son be patient) he whispers, "They're bound to make a mistake when they do, we end them and take her back."

End of flashback

Luanna's POV

Persistent knocking on my door as opposed to the sunlight woke me up.

"Come in!" I yelled at the person on the other side. A man who looked exactly like Matteo walked into my room.

"Luanna, my brother has regained consciousness and wishes to converse with you." He spoke in the same deep tone as Matteo.

"And you are ?" "Pardon me where are my manners today, I'm Antonio Matteo's twin brother."

Hmm makes sense.

I jumped out of bed in haste and ran past Antonio,down the corridor to Matteo's room.

The morning sun lightened his features and made his blue eyes sparkle as he gave me a tired smile.

He patted the spot next to him on the bed telling me to sit next to him.

We stared at each other awkwardly until I spoke up "Who did this to you?" He opened his mouth to say something until realisation struck me "It was him, Riccardo, he did this." Matteo nodded in response. "Son of a motherfucker."

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