Chapter 25

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chapter twenty five - p e r c y

The next morning Annabeth and I took the train with her emergency hundred dollars, and we still had twenty left over. Now, however, we were in the New York Subway.

"We didn't do anything wrong," Annabeth said.

"Yeah," I didn't really hear what she said.

"They were already miserable anyway, and the border was going to fall sooner or later."


The subway announced we were nearing my stop. The woman's voice jolted me out of my stupor.

"You think if we took Chrysie's deal if I just gave myself up, maybe Bai and David wouldn't've had to die?"

"What? No. Is this what we were talking about?" I gripped her hand with my free hand. "Annabeth, the border was connected to their life forces. Besides, I couldn't lose you. And Kendra's family couldn't lose her's. I bet if the border fell in any way, they would've passed with it as well. We did what we needed to do. We couldn't live there forever. And no barrier holds forever, either."

"Yeah...maybe," her eyes looked far away.

The subway car lurched to a stop.

"Remember... you did what you needed to do. It was the logical solution. And what's done is done. There's no changing the past. Just gotta change the future." I gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "Love you, wise girl!"

I heard a love you too as I exited through the doors. Looking back, I saw her put on her Yankee's cap and wink.

"Annabeth, what are you doing?"

"Changing the future!"

My mom's apartment door waited patiently as I nervously shifted my feet. Should I have gotten flowers? Some chocolates? A card saying 'sorry for vanishing without an explanation?

Before I could worry any longer, the door opened.

"Percy!" My mom exclaimed.

"Hi, Mom."

She wrapped me in a hug. "I missed you!"

"Me too," my voice cracked a little.

"Pwecee!" I backed up from the hug with my mom to embrace my sister.

"You're back from your field trip!"Estelle squealed. I looked up at my mom to see she was smiling as she winked at me.

"Yeah, I'm back from my field trip," I agreed.

"Was it fun?"

"Kind of," my voice caught in my throat. "Did you have fun while I was gone?"

She nodded enthusiastically while pulling me towards her room. "Come see the pictures I made!"

k e n d r a

"I'm glad our parents were on vacation during that whole thing," Seth confessed.

I took a break from filling the tins with the milk to check my watch. "They should be here any sec—"

The vroom of a car interrupted me. As I stood up, a large golden drachma—or at least that's what Annabeth called it— fell from my pocket. "Oh! I almost forgot. Tell Mom and Dad I'll be right there."

My voice quieted as I got further into the forest. "Sylvia!"

A blur of green solidified in front of me. "Hi! It's Sylvia, and don't worry—I've gotten over our little spat." She looked very pleased with herself. "You should thank me."

"Uh, thank you?" I reached into my pocket. "Annabeth told me to give this to you."

She shrieked in delight and snatched the drachma. "Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She then snatched my hand with her death grip and pulled me towards the fairy pond.

"Woah there—" I stopped talking as my mind started focusing on not getting hit by tree branches at her break-neck speeds.

"Don't worry! We're almost there!"

Once we arrived I leaned against one of the gazebos for support. "A little warning next time, please."

"You should be thankful I gave you a ride in the first place," she chastised.

"Should I?" the dizziness started to fade.

"Of course! But, anyway, what we came here for," she skimmed her foot through the water in an upward direction, making a spray of water. She then tossed the coin into the spray and muttered a few words, sorry I wasn't even listening at this point, and suddenly a hologram of sorts showed a wispy, pale woman.

They started talking, and, once my dizziness fully faded, I tuned in.

"—oh, Gleeson has Chuck right now, but I'll contact you when I have him again."

"Oh, thank you, I just can't wait to see that cute little bundle of joy!"

The lady in the hologram looked around and paused once she spotted me. "Who's that?"

"Oh, I—hmm, I never remember names, but she came and saw me with the other three fellows. One was a black-haired boy...oh! It was Percy—"

"Percy Jackson? I just saw him and his girlfriend check in with our head director. Quite unusual." The lady looked like she just spilled the biggest tea.

"Any idea what it was about?" I asked, intrigued.

She gave me a funny look. "Something about a whole new world."

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