Chapter 24

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chapter twenty four - b a i

It was just turning morning as I woke up. No blood or dust stayed with me. The only three things that I got to keep from my dream was the gems, the memories, and the guilt.

I opened the door as an act of resolve. I had to keep moving. No going back now. Besides, I'll see her soon anyway. It's not like she's really dead.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked, making my way to the kitchen table.

"Reviewing the map to see if we can find Chrysie. What are you..." Annabeth's voice faded out as she focused on my hand that held the gems.

"Oh you won't have to worry about her anymore," I assured her.

"We won't?" Annabeth's voice was unsure. "Just like that?"

"Just like that," I echoed.

I saw Percy's shoulders relax. "We can go home now."

"Not yet," I spilled the gems onto the table. "We still have to get rid of this useless border. Also, where is everyone else?"

"Getting ready for this 'solstice' thing," Percy said. "I assume you already know what that's about."

"Perfect," I said.

"Perfect?" Annabeth questioned. "They explained it as something really terrifying, something kind of awful, we have to be inside all night—"

I smirked. "You won't be inside tonight."

Let's just say Stan and Ruth didn't take to my whole "ritual has to be performed on the night of a solstice" thing. When they told Kendra and Seth that they were to under no circumstances leave their room, I was tempted to tell them I needed a Fairy Maiden and Shadow Charmer. Nevertheless, I decided it would be better to let them cool off before I broke the news.

The gods, Sehvi (when she was the current fairy queen), the other four wardens, and I never thought it'd be this easy with those three requirements. In fact, it was almost unheard of the have both a Fairy Maiden and a Shadow Charmer alive at the same time.

Whatever. I'm not complaining.

I examined the terrain as chilly air pricked my nose. It'd be perfect for the ritual.

During dinner I thought I'd spring a few questions.

"So, since the ritual has to be performed outside, we need people to protect us. Who can fight?"

Warren, Annabeth, and Percy raised their hands.

"Wait, I thought you said you were going to use magic to keep the creatures at bay?" Stan said.

"Yeah, but some creatures can overpower some of my items quite easily. Also, speaking of other things that I have withheld," I took a drink of water. "I need a Shadowcharmer and a Fairy Maiden."

I heard forks fall to their respective plates. "Also, no demigods can be in the ritual, I don't think the wizards and Sehvi trusted you at that point in time."

"What would you need of them?" Ruth asked.

"Some blood from an alive Fairy Maiden and Shadow Charmer."

At their squeamish faces, I decided to backpedal a little. "Just a tiny prick, I promise."

What then ensued was probably a little scarier than the upcoming night, which made sense because I was asking to put their grandchildren in the middle of a battle ground with horrific monsters everywhere. The cherry on top was that I was going to be needing their blood.

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