“Finally you two have arisen from your pit upstair… oh shit are you okay?” Luke stopped in his tracks, seeing Grants concerned face crouching down inspecting your leg.

You nod weakly, and prop yourself up a bit more listening to Grant explain the situation to Luke after he gave you a soft kiss on your lips.

“Sounds like you should take it easy babe” Luke kisses your head.

“How can I ever relax when I have the sweetest, most caring gorgeous guys around me!?” You ask desperately and chuckle as they high five each other.

“Yeah… sorry about that” Grant says grinning at you. You start to move to get up,

“Look I really have to get going…”

“Ohh no you don’t” Luke exclaims as both him and Grant run over to you standing in front of you like bodyguards. You burst out laughing,

“Oh so am I not allowed to move anymore?” You question them and they salute like soldiers, still giggling, you stand up pushing them aside, standing on one leg and grimacing at the pain diving throughout your blood.

You could feel your heart beat in the cut, as it throbbed you tried to take a step forward; holding your breath and clenching your teeth through the pain. Before you could get any further Grant had swept you off your feet again. It was hugely frustrating, but you were extremely grateful for it…

“Babe, promise me, just stay chilled until you're okay again. At least until it doesn’t hurt…” He strokes your cheek lightly with his hand and you smiled into his kiss.

“Aww you guys! Too cute!” Luke clutched his hands to his heart and smiled at you as you blushed.

“Hey, babe how did talking to Doug go??” You ask excited for him, Luke smiles instantaneously and you raise your eyebrows “Well that’s GOT to be a good sign!”

“Yeah… not too bad thanks.”

“Oh come on!!” Grant protested “that’s all we get?”

“Yeah well it’s not like I even know how you two met is it!? From my point of view I was letting a stranger in our house! I mean of course I assumed you had met before… You don’t normally let people see you crying…” He said gesturing to you.

“Well we had met for the first time the night before actually… and only spoken for a few hours before he came back here!” You laughed at Luke’s surprised face and added

“Plus, there’s not been one time that we’ve met and I haven’t cried at least once…!”

You look up at Grant and your heart speeds at the look of longing and care in his eyes. “You’re a special one that’s for sure.” You tap his nose playfully and rub your noses together, smiling as Luke gasps.

“BABE!” He shouts and you stop instantly giving him a ‘what have I done?!’ face. “You shared our Eskimo kisses wish GRANT GUSTIN?? He’s clearly a keeper…!”

Grant looks at you quizzically whilst you giggle into the comfort of his shoulder.

“Just to clear this up, me and Luke always used to give each other ‘Eskimo Kisses’ as kids, and we’ve not gone a few days without keeping the tradition! It sounds lame but…”

“Lame!?” Luke interrupts “Woah woah woah, babe, slow down. These Eskimo kisses are not lame thank you very muchly. They are a sign of our love since kids, you clearly have forgotten their power and will be happy to know I am EXTREMELY offended…” Luke raises his eyebrows at you and you all burst into laughter.

“Well I'm just glad I could share that experience!” Grant says between his adorable giggles.

“Urm no!” Luke says “You should not just be glad Grant… this is an honour!” He replies as Grant apologises.

“Sorry! I'm honoured!” Luke smiles satisfied

“And for your information…” he adds “Doug and I will be meeting each other in a few weeks if things go as expected…”

Luke grins at your dumb struck eyes.

“No need to look so surprised! These looks had to get me somewhere!” He giggles and you immediately stand up, hopping over to Luke as fast as you could, to make sure Grant couldn’t stop you but also because you had to lean on something; your leg was killing you.

“That’s amazing babe! Well done!!!” You say, flinging yourself into his arms and kissing his cheek.

Twenty seconds later you're still there, hugging him tight, your fists clenched and nails digging into your palms as a distraction from the pain in your leg.

Luke parts with you and holds your forearms; you smile at him and sway gently, your eyes rolling back into your head as though you might faint.

“Oh shit” Luke says as Grant runs over to support you, you whimper as you fall backwards, preparing yourself to hit the ground hard. Instead you fall into Grant, his strong lifting you as you land on soft, voluptuous clouds that were the pillows of your sofa.

The next few minutes, or hours, were a blur; you open your eyes briefly to Luke on the phone, you didn’t know who to, but it sounded important.

The next thing you knew Grant was crouched by you, tears in his eyes; a single tear of his hit your cheek and he brushes it away with his thumb. You don’t remember anything else.

How could we say Goodbye?Where stories live. Discover now