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Sam's POV:

Three Weeks Later

A sheet covered my head and I felt myself being hit. I screamed. It wasn't a scream of pain. I had stopped feeling that long ago. It wasn't of terror. Though I knew these guys could kill me if they wanted to, I somehow knew they wouldn't.

The sheet was removed from my head and I instantly spit at the guy. He glared at me and hit me again. "Bitch."

Eventually, they left the room, and that was when I planned my escape. The entire time I had been working on untying myself. It took me all of a minute. The tricky part would be escaping. I've tried to do so before, but have always gotten caught.

It was night, so it would be easier to attempt my escape.

I cracked open the door and after making sure no one was coming from either side, I snuck out. I heard footsteps and instantly ducked behind a dark corner. Once the footsteps past, I continued making my way through the dimly lit hallway.

After walking for some time, I reached a door that looked like it led to the surface. I climbed up the ladder and opened it.

Once I reached the top, I closed it behind me and took a quick second to breathe in the fresh air.

I ran through the streets and eventually came to a hotel. I walked up to the front desk and said, "Please. I need a room. I have no money, but people are after me. I need a place to hide."

The receptionist nodded and gave me a room. "We'll bring food up, shortly Miss--"

"Helen Hart." I answered, hiding my real name.

"What would you like, Miss Hart?"

I studied the menu and pointed to falafel and the woman nodded.

I made my way to my room and locked the door behind me. I took a moment to check my appearance. My black hair was stringy and stuck to the side of my head. My clothes were ripped and stained. I took a moment to smell myself and instantly grimaced. I suppose that's what happens when you haven't showered for three weeks.

My eyes showed no sign of excitement, which was to be expected. They looked cold and calculating, and that scared me. I would have to get used to that.

I had cuts and blood all over my body.

I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I washed my hair, multiple times, and my body. I did my best to get the fresh blood, and the long-dried blood off of my body. Blood is quite difficult to wash away.

Once I finished my shower, I washed my clothes as best I could and hung them out to dry.

There was a knock on the door and I looked through the keyhole to see a woman with a cart.

I opened the door and she pushed the cart inside. I smiled and said, "Thank you. That's all."

The woman nodded, looking confused at my words before she left. I locked the door behind me and immediately dug into my food. I'd had bread and water for the past few weeks, so I was hungry.

It occurred to me that I shouldn't eat as quickly, as I didn't want to get sick, so I slowed down.

I started plotting how to get the terrorist that took me from Mitch. Speaking of, I wanted to contact him, to tell him I was alive, but I decided against it. It's better Mitch thought I was dead as opposed to me risking his life.

One Year Later, Worcester MA, her hometown

After a year of trying to get the fucking guy that took me, I've had no luck.

There was a knock on my front door and I held my gun behind me as I opened it, chain still on. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"My name is Irene Kennedy. I'm the CIA--"

"Deputy Director in charge of Counterterrorism." I finished. "Yeah, I've heard about you. What are you doing here?"

"I want to recruit you. Your marks are excellent. You've been approved to join, if you're interested."

I thought for a moment. "Train with who?"

"Stan Hurley. He's the best of the best."

"Lead away, Director Kennedy."

We drove through the forest to a cabin. I didn't even realize it was a forest at first because I was blindfolded.

As soon as we arrived, a man, I'm guessing was Hurley, walked up to us. "That's her? She wouldn't last an hour out there!"

I frowned. "With all due respect, sir, I've taken out men twice the size of me. Don't underestimate me."

"Prove it."

I narrowed my eyes at him and jumped on his back. I put him into a headlock and held him to the ground.

Hurley nodded. "She's got it. Could use some training, but she's good."

Irene smiled. "That's why I brought her to you."

Hurley turned to me. "Why are you here, Gilbert?"

"I want to take out those fuckers that kidnapped me. I've been tracking them and trying to get them, but I keep narrowly missing the big guy. Taken out some of the little guys."

Hurley frowned. "Sounds like assassin speak to me."

I shrugged. "If that's what you wanna call it, sure. I'm an assassin."

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