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As we walked through the streets, Annika said, "Ashani had their people tracking Minister Behruz's secure cell phone."

"So we find Behruz, we find Hurley." Mitch said, picking up his pace.

He purposely stepped in front of a car and rolled to the ground. "Mitch!" Annika and I cried.

The driver got out and helped Mitch up. Mitch got the better of the driver and stole the car. I climbed in the back, Mitch took driver, and Annika climbed in the passenger's seat.

He drove off, driving recklessly, pissing off other drivers. Annika was looking for information on her phone.

On the way to rescuing Hurley, Mitch said, "I'm sorry about your handler."

"Ashani was my uncle." Annika informed. "I'm sure it was Minister Behruz and General Rostami who had him killed."

I nodded. "I wouldn't put it past them."

Annika pursed her lips. "They want nuclear war with Israel. We tried to stop them. My brother and father died fighting them. Corviale. Turn here."

Mitch turned where Annika told him and our drive continued.

We came to a more run down area and Mitch jerked the wheel before pulling a distance away from a compound. Once again, Annika looked at her phone. "Dead zone. We're not getting any signals here."

Mitch sighed and studied the people around. He noticed a couple guys walking, that we recognized. "Wait a second." He got out of the car, followed by me and Annika. The three of us walked into the compound and Mitch and I pulled out our guns, holding them in front of us.

We walked through the sewers and Mitch tried to unchain a fence, but couldn't get it open. Annika slipped through and Mitch gave her his gun. He told me to follow, but I shook my head. I wouldn't leave Mitch alone. He needed backup.

We climbed onto the rafters, Mitch helping me up. We silently watched as men walked past.

There was a gunshot, and I looked to Mitch in a panic. He jumped down and caught me as I jumped after him. We ran back to the car and got in. He drove through the gate, running over people.

The car got stuck, and we managed to duck behind a corner for safety as an explosion occurred.

Mitch grabbed my hand and we ran to find Hurley.

When we did, Hurley shot at a guy behind us. Mitch shot at the same guy before joining me next to Hurley. As he freed Hurley, since my stupid height prevented me from doing so, Hurley said, "You're not supposed to be here, Rapp, Gilbert."

"Yeah, what are you gonna do, fire me?"

"There's another passage down there. He's got the nuke."

"You gonna be good?"

"Go. Go!" I remained where I was and Hurley said, "Go, Gilbert!"

I ran after Mitch just in time to see Annika shoot herself. Mitch shot at Ronnie, but he ran off.

I followed Miitch through the dark tunnels and a guy jumped us. I'd lost my gun along the line, and Mitch was out of bullets. He hit the guy with the butt of his gun and stabbed the guy.

When we reached the end of the tunnel, Mitch immediately jumped onto a boat, ignoring my protests.

Deadly Fierce // Mitch Rappजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें