Chapter 19

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Jade´s POV

I caressed my girlfriend´s cheek tenderly, not to wake her up, she looked so peaceful and cute, her chest rose up and down slowly. Her eyelids were shut, hiding her beautiful eyes. Her hair was all over the place but she still looked flawless to me. I think this is all I ever wanted, I always tried to ignore it and fill the gap with countless of one night stands. But it never worked and now one person was able to fill out the gap and make me the happiest.

It´s strange to me how love works. It comes out of nowhere and you can´t do anything against it. Love can hurt you the most in one of the most painful ways possible, but at the same time it can be the best feeling and make you feel on top of the world like nothing can harm you. The thing with love is that you can´t even describe it, if you´d ask ten people on their opinion on love you´d get so many different versions and you can´t even describe it with one definition. It´s way too powerful to be defined in such a short sentence. And I think it´s good that way, everyone should think about it and just find their own definition of it.

I smiled to myself thinking about how love turned from being the most hurtful thing to the best thing in the world for me. I hated love when Pez was with that bitch and used those girls to numb the pain a bit, but once I got her love turned into the best thing possible and I´m so happy everything turned out this way.

Pez shifted and cuddled more into me a wide smile on her face, making me copy her actions. She´s just so adorable and I´m glad she´s mine. I slept over Pez´ last night after her gig, which she of course nailed. The audience loves her and I´m sure she was born to perform in front of crowds. I´m so insanely proud of her and she inspires me in a way.

She shows me that dreams do come true and that if I keep on working hard my dream might come true as well. I might become a professional football player. Who knows if Pez and me achieve our dreams we might have some people looking up to us. I just have to keep on working and everything else will solve itself.

"Oh my god! You´re sooo cute. Look at how happy they both are!" I heard a manly voice say. I turned so that I was looking towards the door, seeing Coach Edwards or Alex how I should call him when I was around here, looking into the room, his hands on either side of his head, his eyes filled with joy and happiness.

"Morning Alex" I told him, sending him a smile, right now I couldn´t not smile Pez just makes me want to show everyone my happiness.

"Morning Jade, is she still asleep?" he asked, pointing in his daughter´s direction, I nodded and he nodded as well walking towards us. Before I knew it he was sat on the desk chair standing near the bed.

"Are you excited about the game today?" he asked in a calmer voice, later on today we´ll play against South Shield´s other school, better known as Pez´ school, so we´ll be up against that bitch and I might get my well deserved revenge on her for treating Pez like shit and beating her for no particular reason. I hate her guts so much I just want to kill her, it would make the world a much better place.

"Of course I am, I´ll finally get my revenge on that bitch" I told the coach, causing his face to harden a bit.

"Jade, I know how you feel about Stacey and how you feel about Perrie and it´s definitely not ok what she did to her. I´d love to beat that girl up as well trust me, but when you´re on the field please don´t pull anything dumb like that. We can´t risk having you suspended for something like this, just spare it for after the game OK?"

"I promise to not murder her on the field during the game" I told him, making him smile. I could tell he was relieved I decided to play fair today and not try to kill one of our opponents. "I´m glad you chose to be mature and I´m glad you make Perrie happy" he said while looking at me and his daughter.

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