Chapter 15

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Jade's POV

I woke up from my little nap, with Pez still asleep in my arms, she looked so peaceful and easy to break. And because she is easy to break I need to protect her even more, I can't let today's earlier happenings happen again. Who does this bitch even think she is? She walks up to her ex, who's my girlfriend and hits on her and because she doesn't want anything to do with her anymore she beats her up? I think she needs to have a little meeting with my fist.

I smiled down at Pez but frowned once I saw the bruises covering various parts of her body and I was filled with rage once again, this bitch will learn her lesson sooner or later, but right now Pez and healing her was more important. She's my number one priority. I still don't get over the fact that she's mine, she's so perfect and she chose me, plain old Jade, who has nothing special to offer.

And she's the perfect human, the way soft snores escape her mouth and her hair is all messed up from sleeping, some bruises on her body but she still manages to look absolutely stunning. She always does as a fact, there isn't a day she doesn't look gorgeous, at least to me. You could say I'm a bit obsessed with her, but if you were to date someone as beautiful as Perrie fuck she's actually my girlfriend Louise mine and not yours take that Edwards you'd do the same trust me.

I glanced to my bedside table and looked at the time, it was half past four, which means Pez and me have to leave soon, I gotta wake her up, but before I did so, i took my phone and sneakily took a picture of her sleeping, for when I can't see her like that and have trouble falling asleep.

I started shaking her, but not too roughly, I don't want to hurt her. She stirred slightly, her finger pressing to my lips, "Shhh Jadey, I want to sleep" she mumbled sleepily, burying her head in my chest, "But you have to get up, love, we gotta get to the game"

"Mhmmm" she murmured, but didn't move one bit, "I want to stay here, with you" she told me, looking up at me, her eyes were brighter than usual due to only waking up again. She looked so adorable, with her bright blue eyes staring into mine expectantly, she almost looked like a child and it was too cute.

"We can have a movie marathon after we come back from the game and cuddle. How does that sound?" I asked her, a smile appeared on her face and she nodded, "That sounds brilliant" she told me and pecked my cheek, while getting up, groaning a bit, because of the pain. I rushed out of bed and helped her immediately.

"That bitch" she mumbled as she walked a bit, groaning slightly with every step she took. "She'll pay don't worry, love" I told her and kissed her temple, while my arm rested around her waist, to help her stand without hurting to much and to pull her closer to me, because i love having her close to me, it gives me this content feeling, knowing she's safe and with me.

Pez put her hair in a messy bun, not wanting to have to deal with her messy bed hair and even though she just did it in a few seconds time it looked amazing. She's not even trying, she literally just got up and she's still the most beautiful person I know, it's just too good to be true and I have to do everything I can to not lose her, because she's everything I have and want and more.

"It's cold outside, you can take my jumper" I told her and threw it at her, she put it on and walked over to me, kissing me. I wasted no time and kissed back, pulling her closer to me, both of us were smiling into the kiss. I knew we didn't have much time left to get to the game now and if we continue like this we'll be so late. So I took the hood of my hoodie, which Pez was wearing, and put it over her head and eyes, causing her to pull away and sigh.

"Over too soon" she sighed, "I know, but we need to get going, love" I told her and picked her up as well as my bag with my football stuff in there. I put the bag on Pez, for her to hold and carried her bridal style, "Bye mam" I yelled and got out of the house. My mam is actually really glad me and Pez are together, she hated me for sleeping around and knew that Pez was the right one for me, because one she liked her from the start and two she got me away from sleeping around, she knew we'd end up together the first time she got over and we were only friends at that point.

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