Chapter 14

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Perrie´s POV

I walked to my locker, alone, the hall was filled with people. It was time to go home, so everyone was rushing out, dragging me with them, I somehow managed to get to my locker. I sighed in relief, I never really liked being in such huge masses of people. I mean if I´m with someone else it´s not that much of a deal, but when I´m alone I have this fear of being squashed by everyone and that feeling isn´t great.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, so I turned around to see who it was, big mistake. I felt someone crash their lips on mine, but it wasn´t Jade, these lips weren´t as soft as hers, they were roughly kissing mine, I didn´t kiss back, my eyes opened to see my ex girlfriend, being the one, who had forced me into a kiss. I tried to push her off with all my might, but didn´t succeed. I kicked her and that made her stop, she looked at me confused and I took that moment to push her off of me, my hand slapping her face hardly in the process, she was taken aback by my actions and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What the fuck do you think you´re doing?" I asked her, my tone harsh.

She gripped my wrist, or better said, tried to grip it, because I pulled it back just in time, "I´m sorry Perrie, I still love you, it was all just a stupid mistake. There isn´t a moment I´m not thinking about you, please take me back, it´ll be better, I promise" she walked closer to me, while saying that, but I backed away with every step she took towards me. She´s hurt me too many times already, I can´t have her touch me again. I´m too afraid that she might hurt me again, my eyes faced the floor.

"You´re right it was a mistake, dating you was a huge mistake. You think telling me after breaking my heart and being cheated on god knows how many times a simple it was a mistake I still love you is enough to get me back? Well guess what, it isn´t that easy, you broke my heart and I needed a long time to get over you and I don´t plan on getting back together with you ever again" I told her bitterly, my hate for her being more evident than ever.

She moved closer to me again, I couldn´t back down this time, because my back was touching the lockers already, she held my shoulders and got even closer, her body was pressing against mine, "But I do love you, I can change and I know that we can´t change what happened, but please could you give me another chance?" she whispered, her voice kind of sad, her eyes boring into mine, but I knew that I couldn´t look in them, because I´d give in again if I see her mesmerizing green eyes with a hint of grey in them, I´ve been too happy to look in them when I was dating her, it´ll bring up the good memories and I don´t need that now, I got Jade.

"No matter what you might say, I won´t get back with you, Stacey. It took me long enough to finally get over the heartbreak and I´m off limits, so not a chance"

She looked confused, her hands gripped my wrists tightly, so tight it hurt already. "What do you mean off limits?" she said through gritted teeth, she clearly was angry right now, no doubt.

"I have a girlfriend"

"You fucking whore, we only broke up a few months ago and you already have a new girl to shag with" she spat, her hands tightening their grip on my wrists, I winced in pain, but she didn´t seem to notice or care. Because her grip didn´t weaken one bit.

"You should know that she was the one, who helped me get over you and is picking up the pieces of my broken heart and is willing to put them together again no matter how long or what it takes, so don´t you dare say anything about her and think you can walk here and get me back just by lying to me again, because it isn´t working" and with that I balled my fists and with all my strength and somehow got my hands free, slapping her again, as hard as I could, she stumbled back a bit, holding her cheek. I could see my hand print on her cheek and smiled to myself, she deserved that one.

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