Chapter 10

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Jade´s POV

It has been 3 weeks since mine and Perrie´s little cuddle session and we´ve been nearly inseparable ever since. Every time Camren would go on a date and we´d be bored we´d meet up and watch movies or just talk for hours, I´ve gotten to know her a lot better. And what´s even better is that she is getting over that scumbag better.

I´m glad I can help her and I´m even more glad that I get to spend time with her. She´s a really cuddly person, which means I get to cuddle her even more, not that I mind at all. It´s filling me with more happiness than anything else in my life could. Pez even watched my last game, even though she absolutely hates football. It´s just little things she does like showing up at my house or something that make my heart leap.

Right now I´m at my locker, thinking about her, I hope Kat is able to protect her. I couldn´t live with the fact of something happening to Pez and I couldn´t protect her, I´m really protective over her, she´s something special. And I really hope that she´ll soon be my special someone, but sadly she only sees me as one of her best friends.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when someone tapped my shoulder, I didn´t think much of it and turned around. In front of me stood some girl, who looked really needy. "Hey Jade" she purred, twirling a strand of her hair with her finger, trying to act seductive, it didn´t work.

"What´s up?" I asked her, trying to get her to leave me alone, but she didn´t get it and let her fingers trail my arm, "I thought we could have some fun" Here we go again, a month ago I would have surely said yes, but since Pez´ single, I haven´t hooked up with anyone again. I stopped it even though it´s hard and I have girls throwing themselves at me every day, but I always politely declined their offers. Camila has been really proud of me for doing so.

I removed her fingers from my arm and she gave me a confused look, "Look, I´m not like that anymore, I don´t randomly hook up with different girls every day anymore, so I´m sorry but I´m not up for the offer" I told her while smiling, she looked annoyed and stomped off, I could see some people gasp, like every day. Seriously it´s been a month and they act like it´s something new.

I took my things from my locker and walked off to my next class, ignoring the staring people. I had Art, which I love. To me art is some sort of letting your real emotions show, you can´t always show them, because you´d hurt people or something, but when you paint a picture there´s no one you can hurt with the picture. It´s just art and art is one of the strongest ways to talk to someone else without using words.

I love art and if I can´t become a professional football player I´d do an art degree and become an art teacher or just something to do with arts, it´s like my second passion. And lately I´ve found myself drawing mesmerizing blue eyes and an angel like face every so often, of course it was Pez, but i didn´t even draw her on purpose it´s just she´s constantly occupying my mind and I don´t mind one bit. So it´s like my hand is moving on its own drawing the all so familiar features of my gorgeous blonde hair, we´ve had a few sleepovers after her sleeping over mine and she always ended up falling asleep before me, giving me the opportunity to watch her sleep and take in every oh so little but important detail about her, they seem little and aren´t important, but they make a huge difference, they all are part of her perfect face.

I looked at the white sheet in front of me, which was filled with lines already, not to mention that these lines were all put together to capture Pez´ beauty. My drawings could never do her justice. The only one knowing I´m head over heels for Pez is Camila, she hasn´t even told Lauren, because it´d embarrassing if Pez found out due to her best friend blurting it out randomly. So I´ll keep it a secret for now.

Perrie´s POV

I was walking out of school with Kat, our arms wrapped around each other just having a laugh, because of how stupid we most likely looked while walking. "Bye Pez, I can see Nick waiting for me, I´ll see you later in the pub" she told me and hugged me, "See ya" I yelled after her and walked further my eyes focused on the phone in my hands.

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