Chapter 1

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Jade's POV

"Hey Jade! Ready for the Game tonight?" Trish asked me as i walked into the school.
"Sure am! let's Beat some ass tonight"

Let me introduce myself first. My name is Jade Thirlwall and i'm a student at South Shields high. Everyone knows who i am, you could say i'm one of the most popular students here. Part of it are my extremely good looks, i don't want to brag but i'm quite a beauty and if you're wondering no i'm not a cheerleader. I'm the school's football captain and best player, again i don't want to brag but i received a lot of awards already. Anyways i'm a lesbian and it's no big deal at this school a lot of girls are actually bi or lesbian and yes they all want to date me. I'm not one of those people, who give them pleasure for a night and drop them,that's just cruel. As i said i date a lot of girls, even though these relationships won't last long, they last a week or two one or two months at the most, still a lot of girls want to date me and i don't like being single, so Whats the matter.

I was walking down the hall responding to all the people who greet me or ask about the game tonight, it's a pretty important one. We go up against our rivals.

You see there are 2 schools in south shields we, the south shields high, our mascot is a bear, and the south shields fly high, their mascot is a penguin, which is kinda stupid because penguins can´t fly. Our Football Teams are at the same level so we always battle to see who's the best in town. on that Team is my rival Stacey.

How she became my rival? You might wonder, i'll tell you. To start things off our parents have been rivals all their lives, our dads went to the same school and there was a constant fight over who´s better. Then Stacey´s dad had the nerve to steal my dad´s girlfriend and that´s were everything went downhill, they started to absolutely hate each other, they would beat each other up and do things on purpose just the other would tick.

So I basically grew up, learning that the Isle family was no good, so when Stacey and I got put in the same class in primary school, history repeated itself and we got rivals. It started simple, I was drawing a picture, being immensely proud of myself for doing so and then the twat, I mean Stacey, decided to ruin it. I know it might seem like nothing bad, but trust me it is, me knowing her family is evil and that gesture was enough to set me off, that was the day everything started. I soon took revenge and so it went on and on until we got to High School, where our ways thankfully parted.

The only times I see her are when our teams would play against each other. Her stupid smirk always on her face and I have to collect myself every time so I wouldn´t punch it off of her face. I have to admit that she is an excellent striker, one of the best actually and I´m one of the best midfielders. We both play in the local selection, where the best footballers from up north play, many of previous members got to play for England and that´s my dream, so I try my best and blend her out at all times, just thinking about my dream and achieving it.

"Hey baby how are you?" a girl said as she laid her arm over my shoulder and pressed a kiss on my shoulder, I frowned slightly wondering why she called me baby, but when I saw her face everything fell in place. She was the girl I was currently dating, what was her name? Vicky? Val? Veronica? Yeah that was it! Veronica! It´s hard not losing track of names when you´re dating a lot of girls.

I acted like nothing happened and hugged her tightly, "Now that you´re here, I´m better than ever" I told her, knowing that that one always works on the girls, because it gives them a feeling of being loved and all that romantic stuff, I´m not really a romantic, it´s just not for me. I´d rather just snog the life out of them or maybe even fuck them until they can´t walk anymore, but no one seems to have a problem with that.

"You´re sooo sweet, oh my gosh, I can´t believe how I got so lucky" she squealed right in my ear, causing me to pull my head away slightly.

"I could be asking the same question" cheesy I know, but what would I do to get to snog her right now, because she is sex on legs, I´m telling you. Actually I plan on "celebrating" with her after the game if you know what I mean, and then I think I´ll drop her and call us off, you see we´ve been "dating" for about a month, I guess and she´s just so annoying, always nagging up my ear with her boring stories, if she hadn´t such a hot body and talented tongue I would have called it off way sooner.

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